
Consulates in the United States

Consulates in the United States

Consulate General in Washington, D.C.

General Information:

2112 "S" Street, NW
Washington, DC 20008
Tel.: (202) 328-6628
Fax: (202) 234-6950

Email: consulate@costarica-embassy.org

After Hours Emergency Telephone Numbers

Consul: Roberto Avendaño
Minister Counselor: Elizabeth Rodríguez
Attention to the Public:  Monday – Friday 10 am – 1 pm
Monday - Friday 2 - 5 p.m (by appointment only)
  In order to ensure that all requirements are complete when requesting special services such as powers of attorney or other notary issues, we recommend you contact the Consulate in advance requesting an appointment.
Jurisdiction: All US States, particularly District of Columbia, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia and West Virginia

Consulate General in Atlanta

General Information:

1870 The Exchange, Suite 100
Atlanta, GA 30339
Tel.: (770) 951-7025 / (770) 951-7026
Fax: (770) 951-7073
Email: consulate_ga@costarica-embassy.org
After Hours Emergency Telephone Numbers

Consul General: Manuel Dobles
Consul: Rodolfo Rodríguez
Attention to the public: 

By appointment only

  In order to ensure that all requirements are complete when requesting special services such as powers of attorney or other notary issues, we recommend you contact the Consulate in advance requesting an appointment.
Jurisdiction: Georgia, Kentucky, North Carolina, South Carolina and Tennessee.

Consulate in Chicago

General Information:

203 N. Wabash Ave., Suite 702

Chicago, IL 60601

Tel.: (312) 263-2772
Fax: (312) 263-5807

Email: crchi@sbcglobal.net

Consul General: Anelena Soley Loria
Attention to the Public:  Monday – Friday 9 am – 2 pm
  In order to ensure that all requirements are complete when requesting special services such as powers of attorney or other notary issues, we recommend you contact the Consulate in advance requesting an appointment.
Jurisdiction: Illinois, Michigan, Ohio, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, North Dakota, South Dakota, Indiana, Wisconsin

Consulate General in Houston

 General Information: 3000 Wilcrest, Suite 112
Houston Texas, TX 77042
Tel: (713) 266-0484
Fax: (713) 266-1527
Email: consulatecr@sbcglobal.net

Information regarding authentications in this Consulate

Consul: Angela Zuniga
Consul: Dania Garcia
Attention to the Public: Monday – Friday 9 am - 2 pm (By appointment only)
In order to ensure that all requirements are complete when requesting special services such as powers of attorney or other notary issues, we recommend you contact the Consulate in advance requesting an appointment.
 Jurisdiction: Arkansas, Colorado, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas

Consulate General in Los Angeles

General Information:

1605 West Olympic Blvd. Suite 400
Los Angeles, CA 90015
Tel.: (213) 380-7915 and (213) 380-6031
Fax: (213) 380-5639
Email: costaricaconsulatela@hotmail.com

Consul General:   Xinia Vargas
Consul: Cynthia Solis
Consul: Paula Coto
Consul: Rolando Madrigal
Attention to the Public: Monday – Friday 9 am – 1 pm
  In order to ensure that all requirements are complete when requesting special services such as powers of attorney or other notary issues, we recommend you contact the Consulate in advance requesting an appointment.
Jurisdiction: Alaska, Arizona, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Northern California, Oregon, Southern California, Utah, Washington, Wyoming

Consulate General in Miami

General Information:

2730 SW 3rd Avenue, Suite 401
Miami, Florida 33129
Tel.: (305) 871-7485
Fax: (786) 522-0119
Email: consulate_mia@costarica-embassy.org
After Hours Emergency Telephone Numbers

Consul General: Lorena Sánchez
Consul: Walter Fonseca
Consul: Sussie Jiménez
Consul: Flora Venegas
Attention to the Public:   

Monday - Friday 9 am – 1 pm

Monday - Friday 1 pm - 4 pm (by appointment only)

  In order to ensure that all requirements are complete when requesting special services such as powers of attorney or other notary issues, we recommend you contact the Consulate in advance requesting an appointment.
Jurisdiction: Florida

Consulate General in New York

General Information:

225 West 34 Street
Penn Plaza Building, Suite 1202, NY 10122
Tel.: (212) 509-3066
Tel.: (212) 509-3067
Fax: (212) 509-3068
Email: costaricaconsul@yahoo.com
After Hours Emergency Telephone Numbers

Consul General:  Laura Pizarro
Consul:  María Isabel Sanabria
Vice-Consul:  Tatiana Vargas Masís
Vice-Consul:  Joanne Leigh
Administrative Assistant:  Betsy Rodríguez
Attention to the Public: By appointment only
  In order to ensure that all requirements are complete when requesting special services such as powers of attorney or other notary issues, we recommend you contact the Consulate in advance requesting an appointment.
Jurisdiction: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania,  Rhode Island, Vermont

 Consulate General in Puerto Rico

General Information:

1413 Avenida Fernández Junco, Suite 2-D
San Juan, Puerto Rico 00909
Tel.: (787) 723-6227
Fax: (787) 723-6226
Email: conscr.sanjuan@gmail.com
After Hours Emergency Telephone Numbers

Consul General:  Nazareth Avendaño
Consul: Mario Vega
Attention to the Public:

Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - 2 p.m.

  In order to ensure that all requirements are complete when requesting special services such as powers of attorney or other notary issues, we recommend you contact the Consulate in advance requesting an appointment.
Jurisdiction:   Puerto Rico

Consulate in Denver

General Information: 3356 South Xenia Street
Denver, CO 80231
Tel: (303) 696-8211
Fax: (303) 696-1110
Email: cronsul@msn.com
Honorary Consul: Tito Chaverri
Attention to the public: Monday- Friday 9 a.m.- 4 p.m.
  In order to ensure that all requirements are complete when requesting special services such as powers of attorney or other notary issues, we recommend you contact the Consulate in advance requesting an appointment.
Jurisdiction: Colorado

Consulate in San Francisco

Temporarily closed - Please contact the Consulate in Los Angeles

Jurisdiction: Idaho, Montana, Northern California, Oregon, Washington, Wyoming
Honorary Consulate in Dallas
General Information: 7777 Forest Ln. Ste. C-204
Dallas, TX 7523
Tel.: (972) 566-2871 (Mon - Fri 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. CST)
Fax: (972) 566-7943
Honorary Consul: Dr. Jaime Davidson
Attention to the public:  by appointment only
  In order to ensure that all requirements are complete when requesting special services such as powers of attorney or other notary issues, we recommend you contact the Consulate in advance requesting an appointment.
Jurisdiction: Dallas

Honorary Consulate in Minnesota

General Information:

6 West 5th Street, Suite 201
Saint Paul, MN 55102
Tel: (651) 293-1816
Fax: (651) 665-0015

Emails: RSanchez@CRConsulateMN.com


Honorary Consul general: Catherine L. T. Nicholson
Office Administrator: Raul R. Sanchez
Attention to the Public:  by appointment only
  In order to ensure that all requirements are complete when requesting special services such as powers of attorney or other notary issues, we recommend you contact the Consulate in advance requesting an appointment.
Jurisdiction: Minnesota
Honorary Consulate in Tucson
General Information: 3567 E. Sunrise Drive, Ste. 235
Tucson, AZ 85718
Tel.: (520) 529-7068
Fax: (520) 577-6781
Email: CostaRica@missiontrust.com
Honorary Consul: Carmen Bermúdez
Attention to the Public:  by appointment only
  In order to ensure that all requirements are complete when requesting special services such as powers of attorney or other notary issues, we recommend you contact the Consulate in advance requesting an appointment.
Jurisdiction: Arizona