Bristol Petitioning
e-Petitioner allows you to support a petition by adding your name and address online. Information about the subject is also provided, to put the petition in context and help you decide whether to sign.
You can also see who else has supported the petition (name and area only) or join in a discussion about it online.
e-Petitioner allows you to have your petition live on the Internet, rather than just on paper. This way, your petition and supporting information can be made available to a potentially much wider audience, giving you the opportunity to gather more names to support the petition.
A petition may gather names and addresses in both forms - you can have a paper version and an online version, although repeat names should be removed by the Principal Petitioner.
Each e-petition also has its own discussion forum, where supporters and others can discuss the petition and surrounding issues online. There is also space for supporting information, so that you can add any background necessary and put your petition in context.