
Operation Nemesis - The Armenian Avengers


Talat Pasha

Talat Pasha was one of the leaders of the Young Turks and a leading member of Sublime Porte.
He was assasinated on March 15, 1921 at 17 Hardenberg Strasse in the Charlottenburg district of Berlin by Soghomon Tehlirian. Tehlirian was captured and after a two day trial on June 2-3, 1921 was aquitted of all charges.

Related Documents:
NYT article on the assasination. March 16, 1921 (PDF 130 kb) NYT article on the assasination. March 17, 1921 (PDF 47 kb) NYT article on the assasination. March 18, 1921 (PDF 39 kb) NYT article on the assasination. April 20, 1921 (PDF 27 kb)
NYT article on the trial. June 3, 1921 (PDF 87 kb)
NYT article on Tehlirian's acquittal. June 4, 1921 (PDF 35 kb)

Djemal Pasha

Djemal Pasha was one of the leaders of the Young Turks and a leading member of Sublime Porte. Due to his notorious cruelty he was knows as Djemal the butcher.
He was assassinated on July 21, 1922 in Tbilisi by Stepan Dzaghigian. Dzaghigian's acomplices in this operation were Bedros Der Boghosian and Artashes Kevorkian.8

Related Documents:
NYT article on the assasination. July 26, 1922 (PDF 48 kb)
Photo taken in the funeral home (JPG 17 KB)


Enver Pasha

Enver Pasha was one of the leaders of the Young Turks and a leading member of Sublime Porte.
He was killed in 1922 in Tajikistan by Hagop Melkumov an Armenian member of the Red Army.3

Related Documents:
NYT article on Enver Pasha. May 24, 1919 (PDF 18 kb)
NYT article on Enver Pasha. May 26, 1919 (PDF 84 kb)
NYT article on his slaying. August 18, 1922 (PDF 84 kb)
NYT article on his slaying. August 19, 1922 (PDF 68 kb)


Fathali Khan Khoiski

Fatali Khan Khoyski was the former Prime Minister of Azerbaijan chiefly responsible for Baku massacres. He was assasinated on June 19, 1920 in Tiflis at Erevanian square by Aram Yerganian while walking with Khan Mahmadov (another condemned person) the former leader of the Mussavat party in the Baku parliment . Yerganian's acomplice in this operation was Misak Giragossian. During the operation Mahmadov and Giragossian were wounded.3

Related Documents:
NYT article on Armenians in Baku . May 3, 1920 (PDF 44 kb)


Behaeddin Shakir Bey

Dr. Behaeddin Shakir was a founding member of the Committee of Union and Progress.
He was assasinated on April 17, 1922 in Berlin by Aram Yerganian.

Related Documents:
NYT article on the assasination. April 19, 1922 (PDF 27 kb)
Photo taken in the funeral home (JPG 6 KB)

Note: Behaeddin Shakir and Jemal Azmi were assasinated at the same time while walking with their families. After shooting Jemal Azmi, Arshavir Shiragian then wounded Behaeddin Shakir after which Aram Yerganian delivering the deadly shot.9


Jemal Azmi

Jemal Azmi also known as the monster of Trebizond was the governor-general of Trebizond.
He was assasinated on April 17, 1922 in Berlin by Arshavir Shiragian.

Related Documents:
NYT article on the assasination. April 19, 1922 (PDF 27 kb)
Photo taken in the funeral home (JPG 6 KB)

Note: Behaeddin Shakir and Jemal Azmi were assasinated at the same time while walking with their families. After shooting Jemal Azmi, Arshavir Shiragian then wounded Behaeddin Shakir after which Aram Yerganian delivering the deadly shot.9


Bihbud Khan Jivanshir

Bihbud Khan Jivanshir was the former interior minister of Azerbaijan responsible for the massacre of thousands of Armenians in Baku.

He was assasinated outside the Pera Palace hotel in Constantinople (Istanbul) on July 18, 1921 by Misak Torlakian. His accomplices for this operation were Yervant Fundukian and Harutiun Harutiunian. Torlakian was captured and tried by a British Military Court. A verdict of "gulity but not responsible" due to his mental condition at the time of the event was read on October 20, 1921. He was expelled to Greece and eventually moved to the United States.


Said Halim Pasha

Said Halim Pasha was the Ottoman Grand Vizier from 1913-16 .

He was assasinated in his horse carriage on Via Nomentana on December 5, 1921 in Rome by Arshavir Shiragian. His accomplices for this operation were Michael Varantian the former ambassador of the Republic of Armenia to Italy and an agent by the name of "M". Shiragian was not captured.


Mgrditch Haroutounian

"Mgrditch Haroutounian, a sadist and member of the political arm of the Turkish secret police"7

Arshavir Shiragian

He was assasinated in 1920 in Constanipole by Soghomon Tehlirian.11,12

Note: Some sources have his name as Harootoun Mugerditchian.


Vahe Ihssan

" ... Vahe Ihssan, born Yessayan, a traitor who was despised by his countrymen, his relatives, and eventually by his own children ...... Vahe Ihssan with Hidayet [a turkified Armenian] helped to draw up the list of prominent Armenians who were arrested and deported in 1915 ..."

Arshavir Shiragian

He was assasinated on March 27, 1920 in Constanipole by Arshavir Shiragian.13


Hemayag Aramiantz

In 1914 the Henchagian party convened a meeting in Romania and decided to assassinate Talat Pasha. A traitor named Adur Yasyan informed the Turks and 21 Henchagians were arrested. Of the 21 arrested all were hanged except for Hemayag Aramiantz who cooperated with the Turks and became a traitor himself.15
He was assasinated by Arshag Yezdanian14