
Asians in Africa indexpage

This website presents the history of South Asians in East Africa. It is part of my continuing research project: The Changing Culture of Asians in East Africa. It contains a short historical introduction. In addition there are slide shows with historical pictures. They present a ‘real painting’ of the past. The streaming video shows parts of interviews with respected members of the Indian community telling ‘their own story’ in ‘their own words'. As I consider my work and knowledge as a ‘work in progress’ project we added a discussion list which may help us to improve our knowledge. Please subscribe to the list and share your knowledge with us. Under publications you may find some of my ‘work in progress’ papers. My webshop contains a coffee table book which I published on my own account.

Dr. G. Oonk
History Department
P.O. Box 1738
Erasmus University Rotterdam
3000 DR Rotterdam