
Internet2 Member Meetings

Internet2 Member Meetings

Internet2 meetings provide unique opportunities for representatives from our diverse community to meet in person. Meeting participants represent the complete spectrum of Internet2 membership including university, corporate, and affiliate members, as well as international partners. For meeting inquiries, please contact meetings@internet2.edu.

of note

of note

Internet2 Member Meetings allow members to exchange of information about new and ongoing work in the member community. Representatives from across our member community serve on the Member Meeting Program Committee, which has responsibility for creating the focus and program content for each meeting. The Program Committee recruits, evaluates, and selects Member Meeting track sessions.

A different Internet2 university member hosts the fall meeting each year. In fall 2008, the meeting was hosted by Louisiana State University and the Louisiana Optical Network Initiative. Highlights from the meeting included keynote addresses by Dr. Ed Seidel speaking about CI in higher education; Scott Cowen discussing Tulane's experience through Hurricane Katrina; and Robert Browning, who demonstrated the C-SPAN Archives. The general sessions also featured a live peek behind the scenes at the LHC.

Meeting attendees also participated in several activities surrounding our community-led Strategic Planning process. For the first time ever, Internet2's Advisory Council meetings were open, enabling meeting attendees to learn more about Internet2 governance and the important work going on within the Councils. In keeping with the GNC report recommendations, Advisory Council chairs and vice-chairs were also selected during the Fall Member Meeting, and began their service in conjunction with the 2009 Spring Member Meeting.

Planning is underway for the Fall 2009 Internet2 Member Meeting, which will be held 5-8 October 2009 at the Hyatt Regency San Antonio in San Antonio, Texas, and is hosted by LEARN and the University of Texas at San Antonio.

Past Meetings

View the Agenda and Netcast archive for Spring and Fall Member Meetings held in the past three years.