
New York State Geological Survey:unofficial gateway

  • ️Tue Sep 15 2009


New York State Geological Survey
Room 3099 CEC
Albany, NY 12230

Phone: (518)474-5816 . . . . .Fax: (518) 473-8734
Publication Sales (518) 402-5344
Topographic Map Sales (518) 457-3555


Cultural Education Center

    Founded in 1836, The New York State Geological Survey (NYSGS) was, until 1999, the oldest, continuously operating survey in North America. In the year 2000, then State Geologist Robert Fakundiny was removed as Chief of the NYSGS, and the Survey's staff reassigned as State Museum scientists. The NYSGS served as an early model for many other state surveys, as well as the United States Geological Survey. In 2006, Dr. William Kelly was appointed State Geologist. He is presently attemptinig to reorganize the NYSGS under his leadership.

The NYSGS does not have an official web site at this time

Overview of New York Geology

NYSGS Geological Publications: 1991-95

NYSGS Geological Publications: 1999-2002

Search the National Geologic Map Database Catalog

Historic New York State Topographic Maps

All New York State Museum Publications - New & Used for sale!

Geology of New York Geology of New York: A Simplified Account
This is the New York State Geological Survey's most popular publications. An excellent overview of the Empire State's complex bedrock and surficial geology. It is the required textbook utilized by college professors across New York State for their introductory geology courses.

The book includes a Highway Geology Map of New York, which can be purchased separately at very reasonable cost. This is a beautiful 1:1,000,000 scale time/stratigraphic bedrock map of the state, with lots of statigraphic charts and a satelite image photo mosaic of the state on the flip side.


Classic Survey works online (Columbia Univ.)

Report of the State Paleontologist 1903

Ancient Water Levels of the Champlain & Hudson Valleys (1904)

Geology of the Northern Adirondack Region (1905)

Geologic Map of the Buffalo (15') Quadrangle 1906

Other Links of Interest

New York Geology Bookstore Online

New York Geology Resource Forum

New York State Academy of Mineralogy

New Jersey Geological Survey

Pennsylvania Geological Survey

Vermont Geological Survey

U.S.G.S. Water Resources Office, Troy, NY

Geological Survey of Canada


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Copyright © 1997, 2009 Updated: 9/15/2009

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