Eclipse VTP Home
- ️Tyler VanWinkle
Voice Tools Project
The Eclipse Voice Tools Project is a fully functional Voice Application
design and development tool. Based on a drag and drop interface
the goal of the voice tools project is to help lower the curve for
IVR voiceXML development and utilize the Eclipse license to give
everyone the opportunity to participate. The Voice Tools Project
is a runtime based developmenttool that can interact with any
VoiceXML 2.1 compliant platform.
Voice Tools Project
- Downloads - Download VTP and its Prerequisites.
- Documentation - Overview, Installation, Getting Started Guide and API Documentation.
- NEW! SVN Repository - View VTP source using the web interface.
- Flash Tutorials - A quick overview of some of the capabilities of the Voice Tools Project.
- Community - Links to discussion Groups, mailing lists and community sites.
- Bug List - Outstanding, In development and closed issues
- Support - - VTP Support and help.>
- VTP Team - Leaders, Committers, and Contributors.