League Information
- ️Tue Nov 18 2008
CSFL Rules -- 2009 Season
1. Schedule
Each league member shall be limited to seven (7) formal games. As an exception, an annual alumni game may be played and not counted against this maximum number. The final five (5) games against League opponents will be used to determine the league standings and championship.
2. Practice Sessions
Organized practice sessions will be limited in number with no more fifteen (15) prior to the first scheduled game in September between any two league opponents. Games against a non-CSFL team will count as a game but not a practice.
a. The first three (3) practice sessions will be conditioning (non-contact) workouts, and are included in the fifteen practice sessions.
b. Organized practice sessions are any workout conducted with coaches present.
c. Formal alumni games, shall not count in the 15 practice limit.
d. No spring practice is permitted except for Princeton, which is permitted 5 days, without any equipment, due to concerns about their roster size. This will be reviewed on an annual basis.
All League members will submit to the League Commissioner on the last day of preseason a practice schedule detailing the 15 practice sessions allotted.
The last day of preseason is: Thursday, Sept 17, 2009
3. Eligibility
Any full time undergraduate student of the respective League institution is permitted to play. Students must meet NCAA eligibility as it pertains to normal progress.
4. Officials
Each game shall have seven (7) officials. They shall be appointed by the Eastern College Athletic Conference or Jim Maconaghy.
5. Weigh-In of Players
With a sincere concern for the health and welfare of the student-athletes participating in Sprint Football, each player will be examined by a physician or sports medicine staff member prior to the season to ensure the safety and appropriateness of that individual participating in Sprint Football at the specified weight limit.
CSFL Weight certification procedures:
a. No student athlete may begin official practice including drills or other football related activities (with or without equipment) until they have demonstrated one the following: Note: all scales must have been certified by the local weights and measurements department within the previous calendar year.
i. A body weight of 165 lbs or less, or
ii. A body weight of 177.0 lbs. or less while simultaneously (within ½ hour) having body fat of 5% or greater and urine specific gravity less than or equal to 1.020. The student athlete will be permitted to achieve this standard as many times as they like, but will be withheld from all practice activities until achieving the standard.
Note: First year players (players who have never participated in Sprint Football) are exempted from this requirement in an attempt to allow newcomers the opportunity to adjust their body weight. Any athlete previously on a roster, at any time, must meet the 177.0 lb practice standard.
iii. A list of all practice players must be submitted on the last day of pre-season which is Thursday September 17, 2009 to the League Commissioner on a standard form provided by the League and must include name of player, year in school, urine specific gravity, % body fat, body weight and must be signed by the coach and sports medicine staff. The last day of pre-season is September 17, 2009.
b. No student athlete may compete in any contest involving another Sprint team until they have demonstrated the following: A body weight of 172.0 lbs. or less while simultaneously (within ½ hour) having body fat of 5% or greater and urine specific gravity less than or equal to 1.020.
c. In subsequent weeks after achieving the 172.0 lb hydrated weight standard, student athletes will be required to weigh 172.0 lbs or less on Monday and Wednesday, before a Friday contest (Tuesday/Thursday before a Saturday contest, etc.) each week of the season in which they have a game. The one exception to this rule is if a school plays a Sunday game which is followed the next week with a Friday game, they would only have to weigh-in on Wednesday before that Friday game. Body fat and hydration measures are not required for the weekly weight certification once the hydrated standard has been achieved at the172 lb level. Failure to achieve this weight on either date will result in the student athlete being withheld from competition in that weeks contest.
d. Coaches must ensure that unsafe weight loss practices such as the use of saunas, rubber suits, diuretics, etc. are prohibited.
e. All weight certifications must be conducted by members of the athletic medicine staff or by an administrator with responsibility for the sport at the respective institution, and not members of the coaching staff. Every form submitted should be signed by the institutions supervising official and the head coach. The supervising official may not be a coach.
Medical staffs at the individual institution will provide the necessary guidance in accordance with their own best practices about how a student athlete who does not certify at the required weight should achieve the standard.
A detailed weight certification sheet must be submitted to the opposing coach on a standard form provided by the League and prior to the start of each game. This same form must be submitted to the League by the end of the week following the game.
The detailed weigh-in sheet will include, for all players: name, number, position(s), year in school and the exact weight for both weigh-ins for that game.
6. Physicians
It shall be the responsibility of the home team to have a qualified physician in attendance 15 minutes before, during and available after the game.
7. Length of Games
All games shall be four (4) periods of 15 minutes each.
8. NCAA Football Rules
The NCAA rules shall be in effect.
9. Coaching Staff Size
Maximum = One (1) Head Coach and Seven (7) Assistants. A coach for this rule is defined by NCAA Bylaw 11.7.
10. Game Uniforms
Visiting teams will wear light colored or white jerseys, and home teams will wear dark jerseys.
11. Squad Size/Number of Players in Uniform at Games
During each year's season, there is a maximum squad size of sixty-five (65) players (including varsity, junior varsity and freshmen) who are eligible to practice, compete or participate with the program in any manner.
All League members will submit an official roster with a maximum 65 players to the League Commissioner by Monday, September 21, 2009.
The official roster:
a. Will detail the Jersey no. Player Name Year in school
b. Will include all players participating in any team activities.
c. Additions to the official roster will not be allowed after the roster submission on the last day of preseason except:
i. A team that did not have 65 players participating at the time of roster submission may add players, up to a total of 65 players, only with notifications of and approval from the League commissioner.
ii. Any unusual situation which will require approval from the League Commissioner.
12. Coaches Game Restrictions
All coaches must remain on the field in the coaching area during the conduct of the game. No phones are permitted for use.
13. Bands at Games
Teams having bands at games are responsible for their conduct. The band should not play while the game is in progress and should concentrate their efforts during time outs and both the pre- or post-game periods. Home teams remain responsible for the proper conduct of their bands even if game officials are reluctant to take action.
14. League Champion
The championship will be decided on a point basis. Each victory will count as two points, and a tie will count as one (1) point. These points apply to their last four (4) league games, which are considered the regular league schedule.
15. Reporting Statistics and Game Scores
As soon after the game as possible, but not later than the following Monday morning, members are responsible for sending in statistics and scores of games to Mr. Ed Benkin at sports2all@comcast.net Mr. Benkins telephone number is 609-239-9187. The specific reporting form to be used will be coordinated by Mr. Benkin and should be submitted according to his specifications.
16. Scouting and Film Exchange
No on-site scouting is permitted at any time. The last two (2) preseason game films are to be provided by all teams to every team in the League. These will be sent by Monday, September 21 and Monday, September 28. Tapes of games played on October 3 will not be sent. Tapes must to be postmarked no later than Monday and sent by overnight or next day delivery. Tapes must be of a complete game.
17. Coordinating Arrival of Visiting Team
The home team coach is responsible for coordinating the arrival and stay of the visiting team. The visiting coach is responsible for calling the home team coach the week of the scheduled game. This assistance should include such considerations as arranging for locker rooms, on-campus meals, housing, practice fields, etc. The head coach (or his designee) should personally check on everything before arrival, and meet the visitor's bus at a predetermined time and place. All student-athletes deserve our best efforts in this matter of sportsmanship.
18. 25-Second Clocks
It is recommended that the home team provide two (2) 40/25-second clocks and an official 40/25-second clock operator for all games.
19. Dues
All teams are assessed dues of $1750.00 annually for the services of the Commissioner, Sports Information Office, purchasing of awards, and conduct of other League business.
20. All-League Awards
Each institution may nominate for both the 1st and 2nd All-League Offensive and Defensive Teams according to the place finish and the following formula: 1st place = 11 nominations; 2nd place = 10 nominations; 3rd place = 9 nominations; 4th place = 8 nominations; 5th place = 7 nominations, 6th place = 6 nominations. Head coaches will have one vote for the individuals by position. Head coaches will have one vote for the league Most Valuable Player and the James Kay Award. Head coaches should submit a list of the players on their team that they consider deserving of selection to honorable mention all league.
21. Annual Meeting
The annual coaches meeting will be held on the second Monday after the completion of the league schedule. Time is usually 10:00 a.m., and the place is determined on a yearly basis. If required, a second meeting may be held in the spring.
22. League Commissioner
The position of Commissioner will be reviewed on a yearly basis. If possible, it would be most equitable to rotate the responsibilities every two (2) years among the athletic staffs of the member institutions.
23. Complimentary Admission TBD
Revised: 11/18/2008
Approved: 12/16/2008