
Feminist Coalition Against Prostitution (FCAP) | Myths and Facts about Nevada Legal Prostitution

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Myths and Facts about Nevada Legal Prostitution

Right-click the link below to download this excellent fact sheet that looks at the consequences of the legalization of prostitution in Nevada, USA.

It includes facts that explode common myths about the legalisation of prostitution. For example: 

"MYTH: If prostitution is legalized it would promote the mental health of prostitutes because they feel ashamed and stigmatized by illegal prostitution.

"FACT: It’s not the legal status of prostitution that causes the harm, it’s the prostitution itself. The longer she is in prostitution – legal or illegal - the more she is psychologically harmed. The shame and the isolation persist even if prostitution is decriminalized or legalized. Even though they’d be earning retirement benefits if they registered, women in Dutch prostitution don’t register as legal prostitutes because they are ashamed to be known as prostitutes. Regardless of its legal status, women would prefer to get out of prostitution and usually feel ashamed of it. Does any woman in prostitution deserve to be treated disrespectfully or stigmatized? Of course not. But prostitution inevitably means that you’re treated like an object to be masturbated into."