The British Aikido History Information Website (UK).Kenshiro Abbe Sensei.Henry Ellis.British Aikido Board.
Welcome to the British Aikido History Information Website
The British Aikido website is documented and dedicated to the true history of British Aikido, from it's inception in 1955 to the UK by the arrival of Kenshiro Abbe Sensei (1915 - 1985) on British soil. Whilst protecting the memory of Abbe Sensei and the birth of British Aikido for the students of today and of the future, we will also protect the public from fraudulent claims such as those detailed in the now infamous Jack Poole Biography - [Amazing! Jack Poole Aikido records found, click here]
British Aikido Board
Shocking Revelations & Apology from Ex- BAB Executive.
The Apology & Revelations should be read by every BAB member & Sport England
We are very proud and honoured to announce the promotion of Sensei's Haydn Foster - Henry Ellis - Derek Eastman to 6th Dan Aikido 'International Birankai' by TK Chiba Shihan. The first official resident Aikikai Hombu Instructor to Britain in 1966. Sensei was Uchi-Deshi to O'Sensei Morihei Ueshiba.
On October 31st 2008 TK Chiba Shihan met with the last three of the surviving Aikido pioneers of British Aikido at the now internationally famed " Hut Dojo " Hillingdon Middlesex UK. Chiba Shihan last visited the Hut Dojo in 1967. Over lunch and a pint in the Hut Pub next door many memories and memorable events were fondly remembered of the illustrious Budo Masters who had visited the Hut Dojo as follows - Kenshiro Abbe - T Abe - M Nakazono - M Noro - TK Chiba - Y Kobayashi - H Tada - M Harada - M Otani - T Otani - These were just some of those great teachers who taught at the humble Hut Dojo.
The group photos are of TK Chiba Sensei - H Foster Sensei - H Ellis Sensei - D Eastman. Sensei.
Masahilo Mikoto Nakazono Sensei was a great influence in the early promotion and development of Traditional Aikido in Britain. He was the first Aikido teacher invited to Britain in 1960 after its inception in 1955 by Kenshiro Abbe Sensei, Nakazono Sensei had a written mandate from O'Sensei Ueshiba himself.
If you are interested in the life of this great Aikido teacher and renowned healer? please visit Kototama Books and the books written by Nakazono Sensei.
Born in May 1918 in Southern Japan, Kagoshima District, Sensei Nakazono began his studies by practicing kendo at the age of 6. At 12 he began learning judo and at 19 started karate. Later he studied lance and many other forms of martial arts; then he fully submerged himself in the art of aikido. He studied with O Sensei Ueshiba, its founder. Following his mother’s inclination, Sensei Nakazono began his formal studies of acupuncture in 1934 at age 16. He was a student of George Ohsawa, the founder of macrobiotics, and Sakai Sensei, who taught the spirit of finite form, Jizo Bosatsu. He was re-introduced to the Kototama Principle by Sensei Ogasawara, and revised every aspect of his life and work with this profound viewpoint. In 1972 he moved to Santa Fe, where he established the Kototama Institute. He inspired the passage of the New Mexico Acupuncture Act in 1973. Sensei Nakazono taught the Kototama Principle in Santa Fe and throughout the world. He devoted his life to handing it over to all of humanity. Sensei Nakazono passed over on October 8, 1994.