
Anglican Parish of Swan

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Passion 'n' Purpose
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Daily Readings
Odds 'n' Sods

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Phone 9274 2661

Fax     9250 6744

Swan Symposium Blog

Priest: The Reverend Stuart Fenner

Service Times

St Mary's


9:30am. Holy Communion.

Service Times

All Saints


7:30am. Holy Communion


Mission Statement
Guided by Jesus Christ, we are building a Christian community to welcome, love and encourage everyone.


Our Vision
We offer an open meeting place for worship, prayer, nurture and the study of God's word. As part of the community, we welcome all with friendship, offering spiritual and practical support

Prayer is fundamental to our vision

We come together regularly in a welcoming and supportive environment with a common vision and reflect this to the wider community. We are challenged to love and encourage each other without judgement and give freely of our financial and physical resources.

The Swan Anglican Parish is a place of peace and tranquility, where people are welcome. The Anglican tradition and our historical heritage are important to us. We humbly acknowledge the presence of God in our lives, our buildings and in our world.