
Working Groups, SIGs, and Advisory Groups

Internet2 Working Groups, SIGs, and Advisory Groups

Development activities of Internet2 are performed in Working Groups (WGs), Special Interest Groups (SIGs), or Advisory Groups. Members who do the work of the groups come from Internet2 member institutions and partners. Support for Groups is provided by Internet2 and Internet2 staff.

Working Groups | SIGs | Advisory Groups

Working Groups

Each WG has a web site describing their charter, goals, milestones, events, current activity, and other information. Members of the Internet2 community who are interested in participating in a WG should contact the Chair. If you have an idea for a new WG, contact Eric Boyd.

Active Working Group


Internet2 Liaison

DCN WG [web site] Linda Winkler <winkler@mcs.anl.gov> Eric Boyd
Grouper WG [web site] Tom Barton <tbarton@uchicago.edu> Renee Frost
HEPKI-TAG (PKI Technical) WG [web site] Jim Jokl
Renee Frost
Information Services, Discovery, & Topology (ISDT) WG [web site] Martin Swany <swany@udel.edu> Eric Boyd
IPv6 WG [web site] Dale Finkelson <dmf@unlnotes.unl.edu>
Michael Lambert <lambert@psc.edu>
Elaine Lauerman
MACE-Dir (Directories) WG [web site] Brendan Bellina <bbellina@usc.edu>
Keith Hazelton (Chair Emeritus)
Renee Frost
MACE-paccman (Privilege and Access Management) WG [web site] Tom Dopirak, Carnegie Mellon University Steve Olshansky
MACE-Shibboleth WG
[web site]
Steven Carmody <steven_carmody@brown.edu>
Bob Morgan <rlmorgan@washington.edu>
Renee Frost
Multicast WG [web site] Richard Machida <rm@alaska.edu> Elaine Lauerman
Performance WG [web site] Carla Hunt <carla@mailbox.mcnc.org> Eric Boyd
perfSONAR WG [web site] Martin Swany <swany@cis.udel.edu>
Jeff Boote <boote@internet2.edu>
Eric Boyd
Presence and Integrated Communications [web site] Tim Callahan <tcallah@umich.edu> Elaine Lauerman
ResearchChannel WG
[web site]

Chris Latham <clatham@u.washington.edu>
Gates Rhodes <rhodes@isc.upenn.edu>

Russ Hobby
Salsa-Computer Security Incidents - Internet2 (Salsa-CSI2) [web site] Wes Young Steve Olshansky
Salsa Disaster Planning & Recovery (Salsa-DR) Working Group
[web site]
Bill Owens <owens@nysernet.org> Steve Olshansky
SIP.edu [web site] Dennis Baron
Rick Summerhill
Transport WG [web site] Steve Senger
Chester Ruszczyk
Susan Evett

Dormant WG


Internet2 Liaison

Geospatial WG [web site] PR Blackwell Russ Hobby

HEPKI-PAG (PKI Policy) WG [web site]

Ken Klingenstein Ken Klingenstein
Integrated Infrastructure for Instant Messaging (I2IM) WG [web site] Michael Gettes Ken Klingenstein

[web site]

Nathan Dors Ken Klingenstein
Medical Middleware (MedMid) WG [web site] Jack Buchanan Steve Olshansky
Salsa Architecture WG (SALSA-Arch) [web site] Marty Schulman Steve Olshansky
Salsa-Federated Wireless NetAuth (Salsa-FWNA)
[web site]
Phillipe Hanset Steve Olshansky
Salsa-NetAuth WG
[web site]
Chris Misra Steve Olshansky
Salsa Netc WG [web site] Marty Schulman Steve Olshansky
Signet WG [web site] Mike Olive Renee Frost
VidMid Video Conferencing WG [web site] Nadim El-Khoury Steve Olshansky
VidMid Video on Demand WG [web site]
Jim DeRoest Ken Klingenstein

Completed/Archived WG


Internet2 Liaison

IP Optical WG [web site] Mark Johnson
David Richardson

Rick Summerhill

MACE-MLIST WG [web site] Jill Gemmill Steve Olshansky
Peer-to-Peer WG [web site] Linda Roos George Brett
Routing WG Ken Lindahl Rick Summerhill
Topology WG [web site] E. Paul Love Rick Summerhill

SIGs -- top

SIGs (Special Interest Groups) also exist. They center around common interests and may be formed to share "war stories". They are informal and open to all members; SIGs may meet semi-annually at Internet2 Member Meetings. SIGs are led by a chairperson and do not typically produce deliverables.

Active Special Interest Group


Internet2 Liaison

Advances of Relevance to Clinical Activities
[web site]

Michael McGill

Campus Bandwidth
Management SIG

[web site]
Art St. George
Rick Summerhill
Collaboration SIG
[web site]
Gurcharan S. Khanna <gurcharan.khanna@rit.edu> Rick Summerhill
Digital Video SIG
[web site]

Larry Amiot
Dave Deveraux-Weber

Rick Summerhill
Emerging Research and Education Networks SIG [web site] Warren Matthews
Heather Boyles
High Energy Nuclear Physics SIG &
Shawn Mckee <smckee@umich.edu>
Harvey Newman <newman@hep.caltech.edu>
Rich Carlson
IT Architects in Academia (ITANA)
[web site]
Jim Phelps <phelps@doit.wisc.edu> Steve Olshansky
Orthopaedic Surgery SIG
[web site]
Ed Johansen <wedjohansen@msn.com> Mike McGill
Network Storage SIG Micah Beck
Eric Boyd
Radiology SIG [web site] Greg Mogel
Russ Hobby
Teaching and Learning SIG [web site] Jennifer Oxenford
Marty Siegel
Ann Doyle
Voice over IP SIG
[web site]
Walt Magnussen <wmagnussen@ppfs4.tamu.edu> Rick Summerhill

Dormant SIG


Internet2 Liaison

Archaeology SIG
[web site]
Jeffrey Clark
<clark@ndsu.edu >
Greg Palmer
Ann Doyle
Cardiovascular SIG
[web site]
David Sahn
Michael McGill
End-to-End Performance SIG Eric Boyd Rick Summerhill
Health Sciences Education [web site]  

Michael McGill

Health Sciences Research and Research Infrastructure  

Michael McGill

Health Science Security SIG [web site] Jere Retzer
Michael McGill
Performance Area Group (formerly Measurement SIG) Matt Zekauskas <matt@internet2.edu> Susan Evett

Quality of Service (QoS) SIG

Guy Almes Rick Summerhill
Veterinary Medicine SIG Gary Allen <allengk@missouri.edu>
Michael McGill

Completed/Archived SIGs


Internet2 Liaison

IP Optical SIG [web site] Mark Johnson
David Richardson

Rick Summerhill

Routing SIG Ken Lindahl Rick Summerhill
Topology SIG [web site] E. Paul Love Rick Summerhill

Advisory Groups -- top

Advisory Groups may be created by Internet2 to either coordinate multiple working groups or to bring in outside expertise to counsel multiple working groups, initiatives, or areas.

Advisory Group


Internet2 Liaison

Campus Expectations Task Force [web site] Bill Decker
Barb Nanzig
DNSSEC [web site]   Steve Olshansky
Humanities Advisory Group

Ann Doyle <adoyle@internet2.edu>

Ann Doyle
Internet2 Performance Events Advisory Committee [web site] Ann Doyle <adoyle@internet2.edu> Ann Doyle
Middleware Architecture Committee for Education (MACE) Advisory Board
[web site]
RL "Bob" Morgan <rlmorgan@washington.edu> Ken Klingenstein
Network Research Review Committee [web site]

kc claffy , Interim Chair

Matt Zekauskas <matt@internet2.edu
Salsa [web site] Chris Misra <cmisra@nic.umass.edu> Ken Klingenstein

Dormant Advisory Groups


Internet2 Liaison

Directories Technical Advisory Board   Ken Klingenstein
E2Epi Technical Advisory Group (TAG)   Eric Boyd
Federating Organizations Advisory Group   Ken Klingenstein
Health Sciences Initiative Advisory Group [web site]

Jack Buchanan, Interim Chair

Michael McGill
HEPKI (Higher Education PKI) Advisory Group   Ken Klingenstein
Middleware End-To-End Diagnostics Advisory Group (MW-E2ED) [web site] Chas DiFatta <chas@cmu.edu> Ken Klingenstein
PKI Labs Advisory Group   Ken Klingenstein

COMPLETED Advisory Groups


Internet2 Liaison

Real Time Communications (RTC) [web site] Tyler Johnson, University of North Carolina Ben Tietelbaum

NOTE WELL:All statements addressed to and related to the activities of Internet2 Working Groups, Working Group Projects, and Internet2 Area Initiatives and Projects are subject to the Internet2 Intellectual Property Framework (http://www.internet2.edu/membership/ip.html) which grants to Internet2 and its members certain licenses and rights in such statements. These statements include conversations, correspondence, and/or all documents, electronic or physical.
Statements not addressed to or not related to the activities of Internet2 Working Groups, Working Group Projects, or Internet2 Area Initiative or Project that are clearly not intended to be input to an Internet2 activity, group or project, are not subject to these provisions. Statements made to a group where written confidentiality agreements are in place are also not subject to these provisions.

Internet2 Contributor License Agreement: To clarify the intellectual property license granted with contributions of software from any person or entity (the "Contributor"), Internet2 would like to have an Internet2 Contributor License Agreement on file that has been signed by the Contributor, indicating agreement to the license terms. Please download, print, and complete the corresponding the Internet2 Contributor License Agreement for an Individual (pdf) or for a Company (pdf) and send it by facsimile to Internet2 at +1-734-913-4255, followed by regular mail to Attn: Barb Nanzig, Internet2, 1000 Oakbrook Drive, Suite 300, Ann Arbor MI 48104 U.S.A.
Contributors should work with the relevant Working Group Chair regarding questions about submissions of software, and to ensure that the Contributor's Agreement is recorded prior to submissions being accepted.