Lloyd Library and Museum home
elcome to the Lloyd Library and Museum. The Library holds, acquires, preserves, and provides access to both historic and current books and journals, as well as archival materials, on a wide variety of disciplines that fall under the subjects of natural history, botany, pharmacy, and medicine. Lloyd's resources are in fact an eclectic blend of a host of related sciences. Despite the scientific focus, the collections have relevance to the humanities, such as visual arts and foreign languages through resources that feature botanical illustrations, original artworks, and travel literature. The Lloyd is open to the publicwe invite you to explore this unique establishment.
Today in the History of Medicine, Botany, and related sciences
February 5-7
February 5 1790, died, William Cullen, Scottish physician and chemist (b. 1710). / February 6 1617, died, Prospero Alpini, Italian scientist and botanist (b. 1553), best known for his work in Egypt, where he determined the sex of plants. 1783, died, Capability Brown, English landscape gardener (b. 1716) designed some 170 gardens in England. / February 7 No known events of historical significance in these fields occurred on this date.