About UNH
About UNH
UNH is a vibrant place: a land-, sea-, and space-grant university where
undergraduate and graduate students engage in daily discovery and the intellectual
excitement of doing research with their faculty mentors.
2008 UNH Fast Facts
Founded 1866
Land-grant, sea-grant, and space-grant charters
Colleges and schools
College of Engineering and Physical Sciences
College of Health and Human Services
College of Liberal Arts
College of Life Sciences and Agriculture
Thompson School of Applied Science
University of New Hampshire at Manchester
Whittemore School of Business and Economics
The Graduate School
Majors available
Special academic opportunities
Honors Program
Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program
International Research Opportunities Program
Study abroad and national exchanges
Student internships
Number of faculty, 976*
Full-time, 619
Part-time, 357
Average student/faculty ratio, 18:1
Student snapshot (Fall 2008, Durham only)
Total student enrollment1, 14,204
Undergraduate2, 11,845
Graduate3, 2,359
% Female2, 56
% Male2, 44
% in top tenth of high school graduating class rank4, 24
% in top quarter class rank4, 66
Median SAT score, 1,115
1 all degree candidate students
2 undergraduate degree candidate students
3 graduate degree candidate students
4 new bachelor students
UNH Undergraduate students’ top ten home states %
1. New Hampshire, 58%
2. Massachusetts, 22
3. Maine, 5
4. Connecticut, 4
5. New York, 3
6. Rhode Island, 2
7. New Jersey, 2
8. Vermont, 1
9. Pennsylvania, 1
10. Maryland, <1
Ten most popular bachelor’s programs (in order of popularity)
Undeclared Liberal Arts
Business Administration
Mechanical Engineering
Political Science
Cost of education (Resident)
Tuition and fees: $11,756
Room and board: $8,596
Total: $20,352
Cost of education (non-resident)
Tuition and fees: $25,236
Room and board: $8,596
Total: $33,832
Percentage of students receiving some form of financial assistance
Annual operating budget FY08
$481.9 million
Revenue sources
Endowment value
$230.4 million
External research funding
$99 million
(More than $1 billion since 1978)
Number of living alumni
*Includes research, clinical, library and non-status faculty.