
Alexa - Top Sites in Serbia and Montenegro

The top 100 sites in Serbia and Montenegro. The sites in the top sites lists are ordered by their 1 month alexa traffic rank.

The 1 month rank is calculated using a combination of average daily visitors and pageviews over the past month. The site with the highest combination of visitors and pageviews is ranked #1.

  1. Google


    Enables users to search the Web, Usenet, and images. Features include PageRank, caching and translation of results, and an option to find similar pages. The company's focus is developing search technology.

  2. Facebook


    A social utility that connects people, to keep up with friends, upload photos, share links and videos.

  3. Yahoo!


    Personalized content and search options. Chatrooms, free e-mail, clubs, and pager.

  4. B92


    Focusing on providing the international public with information on the status of independent media in Serbia and Monte Negro, including a streaming radio broadcast, Radio B92.

  5. Blic


    Beogradske dnevne novine sa vestima iz politike, drustva, kulture, i sporta.

  6. Krstarica


    Srbija: portal, pretrazivac, internet provajder, vesti, katalog, magazin. Pronadjite informacije vezane za Srbiju.

  7. RapidShare


    Users can upload up to 100 meg files for sharing. Provides downloads of 100 megs per hour on the free service. Premium service also available.

  8. Infostud


    Grupa korisnih i praktičnih sajtova iz Srbije sa aktuelnim sadržajem i informacijama o slobodnim radnim mestima, ljudskim resursima, ličnom i profesionalnom usavršavanju, visokom obrazovanju, polovnim automobilima, kao i ponudama turističkih agencija i re

  9. Twitter


    Social networking and microblogging service utilising instant messaging, SMS or a web interface.

  10. Pozn@nici


    Društvena mreža u kojoj se Internet korisnici druže i zabavljaju, pre svega stiču nova poznanstva i održavaju postojeća, osnovana sa glavnim ciljem da na najjednostavniji način poveže poznanike iz cele Srbije.

  11. WordPress.com


    Free blogs managed by the developers of the WordPress software. Includes custom design templates, integrated statistics, automatic spam protection and other features.

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