


European Helicopter Safety Team

Presenting EHEST

Launched on November 2006, the European Helicopter Safety Team (EHEST) brings together manufacturers, operators, research organisations, regulators, accident investigators and a few military operators from across Europe. EHEST is the helicopter branch of the ESSI, and also the European component of the International Helicopter Safety Team (IHST).

Mission: EHEST is committed to the goal of reducing the helicopter accident rate by 80 percent by 2016 worldwide, with emphasis on improving European safety.


EHEST Organisation


EHEST Plenary

The EHEST Plenary is the core group responsible of the development and the strategic decision of the initiatives.

EHEST Communication sub-team

The Communication Sub-group’s main task is to identity and define a process to efficiently communicate with the Helicopter community, in particular small operators and GA.

EHEST Communication sub-team Terms of Reference


Safety Analysis Team

This team is the analysis force of the initiative. EHSAT, the European Helicopter Safety Analysis Team, was formed with the purpose of identifying safety issues and intervention recommendations, similar to the function of the Joint Helicopter Safety Team (JHSAT) within the IHST.

The EHSAT process is data driven: recommendations are developed from re-analysing accidents documented in accident reports, using a methodology adapted from IHST.

EHSAT Terms of Reference ; EHSAT Report ; EHSAT page


Safety Implementation Team

This team is the implementation team of EHEST.

EHSIT, the European Helicopter Safety Implementation Team, was formed with the purpose of developing safety enhancements to the EHEST for approval using an agreed process, the EHSIT RTs and STs produce regional lists of the intervention recommendations identified by the regional EHSATs. EHSIT CT consolidates the regional lists and then develops and recommends detailed action plans for industry, Authorities and operators (including GA communities) to implement the recommended safety enhancements. Implement and monitor delivery of safety enhancements approved by the EHEST.

EHSIT Terms of Reference

EHSIT Sub-Team on Operation and SMS

The EHSIT Specialist Team on Operation and SMS is tasked to process the Implementation Recommendations (IRs) related to Operation and SMS aggregated by the EHSIT CT on the basis of the European Helicopter Safety Analysis Team (EHSAT) work.

EHSIT ST- Ops & SMS Terms of Reference

EHSIT Sub-Team on Training

The EHSIT Specialist Team on Training is tasked to process the Implementation Recommendations (IRs) related to Training aggregated by the EHSIT CT on the basis of the European Helicopter Safety Analysis Team (EHSAT) work.

EHSIT ST-T Terms of Reference

EHSIT Sub-Team on Regulation

The EHSIT Specialist Team on Regulemaking is tasked to process the Implementation Recommendations (IRs) related to Regulation aggregated by the EHSIT CT on the basis of the European Helicopter Safety Analysis Team (EHSAT) work. This team will identify potential areas for rulemaking from the analysis database and communicate its suggestions to EASA Rulemaking following the published EASA Rulemaking process.


  • Preliminary Results of Helicopter Accident Analysis: EHSAT has released its preliminary analysis report on helicopter accident analyses occurred in EASA Members States between 2000 and 2005. The report presents the results of 186 accidents where a final investigation report from the Accident Investigation Board has been issued.

  • Paper "Human factors in helicopter accidents: results from the analysis performed by the European Helicopter Safety Analysis Team within the IHST" presented during the AHS 65th Annual Forum and Technology Display
  • EASA Annual Safety Review: The Annual Safety Review aims to inform the public of the general safety level in the field of civil aviation in Europe. To prepare the reviews the EASA had access to accident information collected by the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) through its Accident/Incident Data Reporting (ADREP) system as well as accident statistics published by ICAO. In addition, EASA Member States made data available on light aircraft accidents for the year 2006.

EHEST Newsletters, Articles and press releases

IHST Newsletter

EHEST is the helicopter branch of the ESSI, and also the European component of the International Helicopter Safety Team (IHST).


More than fifty organisations participate in EHEST to date, of which around thirty are actively involved in EHSAT. List of participants

Access for members

For further information, or if your organisation wishes to join the EHEST or the EHSAT, please contact .