Hema Enerji Sanayi ve Tic.A.Ş.
About us
Hema Energy Company is working on coal, oil, natural gas and power plants.
Hema Industry Company has a long history in coal mining. It had started producing mining tools and machinery for the government in the 1970’s. In this production process, Hema Energy employees had trained government employees on how to use the machines.
Hard Coal Project
The geological coal reserves in Amasra/Bartın and Kandilli/Zonguldak regions are 573 billion tons. With the target of producing 5 million tons/year; it is the biggest project regarding the coal industry that has never been achieved in Turkey.
The contractor for drilling the 3 world-standard wells in Amasra, (8 diameters and 1000 meters in depth) is the Chinese Datong Company which is the second biggest coal miner in the world; with its annual coal production of 120 million tons and 200.000 employees. Five million tons of coal per year will be extracted when these wells are activated. Kandilli Colliery has already started extracting and is continuing to market it.
40% of the total reserve is coking coal with an ash rate of 10%, sulfur of 0.3-0.8%, volatility of 27% and calorific value of 7000/7500.
Methane Project
According to studies done by TUBİTAK, the total gas reserve is 600 billion m3. There will be a 400/700 MW methane fired power plant built depending on the methane extraction.
Drilling 200 wells is being targeted during 2010.
Methane will be centralized and then will be carried to BOTAŞ or to power plants by pipe lines.
Our target is to start the production in 2010.
Power Plants Project
An 4x660 MW coal fired power plant with the super critical technology will be established in Amasra and a 2x660 MW coal fired power plant will be established in Kandilli. An annually total of 7-8 billion KW/h electricity production is targeted. Super critical boiler desulphurization installations and de-nox burning systems will be established. The power plants will be environment-friendly, compatible with the world standards with clean emission.
Oil and Natural Gas Project
Hema Energy has performed an off-shore exploration drill in Karaburun (in 2007), Terkos (in 2009) and plans to perform one off-shore and one ashore drillings during 2010.