Korea Air Pollution Problems
TED Case Studies
Korea Air Pollution Problems
CASE NUMBER: 257 CASE MNEMONIC: KORPOLL CASE NAME: Korea Air Pollution Problems I. IDENTIFICATION 1. The Issue During the first two decades of Korea's economic boom, there was little attention paid to the damaging effects of rapid industrialization on the environment. It was not until the 1980's that Korea began paying close attention to the environment, but the problems have arisen so quickly, that the Korean government has not been able to manage all of them. One of the arising problems in connection with rapid industrialization is acid rain. Studies indicate that a large part of Asia is being threatened by acid rain. Factory smoke and automobile exhaust fumes contribute to the sulfur-oxides contained in the precipitation of rain. Although China is the largest producer of sulfur dioxide emissions in Asia accounting for 20 million tons of SO2 emissions in 1987, South Korea is also a major producer of SO2. 2. Description In the early 1970's, the Korean government's ambitious five year economic plan led to the rapid industrialization of heavy industry and petrochemical industries. The Ulsan region (Southeastern Korea) is known for its heavy industrialization and attracts major Korean companies. According to the International Trade Administration, approximately 200 companies are operating in the Ulsan and Onsan Industrial zone area. Rapid industrialization in these areas have caused serious air pollution problems, a major concern to the general public and government. In recent years, Seoul has been making initiatives toward improving the air quality by strictly regulating sulfur oxide emissions from these industries. Despite these efforts, South Korean companies lack the expertise to install the required desulfurizers at their plants. South Korean firms are seeking assistance from leading Japanese companies and are in the tentative stages of working toward technological cooperation. Yet the main issue concerning South Korea and Japan is the environmental pollution caused by China's rapid economic growth crossing the boundaries into these two countries. The weather in China has an impact on Japan and South Korea. Yellow sand cause by industrial pollution in China is blown from China to Seoul causing hazardous air pollution. Plants which grow only in heavily polluted areas have appeared in Seoul and nearby towns, indicating how serious environmental pollution is in Korea. Studies indicate this pollution is linked to the acid blown from China. Other studies also reveal acid rain is spreading from Northeast Asia south to the Japanese island of Kyushu, especially during the winter when currents of strong northwest winds blow within the region. Both South Korea and Japan welcome China's economic growth but cannot be indifferent to the nations environmental problems. Air currents from China carry sulfur oxide, the major cause of acid rain. Acid rain in the Pacific region is affecting cultural symbols, destroying vegetation, polluting oceans and affecting wildlife. Bilateral legislation between Korea and Japan, Japan and China, and Korea and China have been established. Agreements between these countries are in progress towards improving the environment of the Pacific Region. Environmental problems such as acid rain which extend beyond national boundaries are becoming an increasingly common phenomena. Acid raid reduces visibility, pollutes lakes and streams, destroying fish and other forms of life. Acid deposition results from the chemical transformation and transport of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides. Experts agree the major strategy to the acid rain problem is to reduce the emissions of sulfur and nitrogen oxides. Without these reductions, lakes and streams, groundwater, soils and forests will continue to become acidified furthering economic and aesthetic damage. Air pollution in rapidly industrializing China is believed to be responsible for acid rain in East Asia. Sulfur dioxide, nitrogen and other acid rain causing emissions originate from the burning of fossil fuel, such as coal and oil. In earlier years it was thought acid rain only occurred in North America and Europe, however damage is spreading to such a degree that denial is no longer an option for the Asian region. Widespread testing by the Consumers' Union environmental unit reveals that acid rain is as severe in the Asian region as in other developed countries. Although conclusive date has not been produced, there is growing evidence that the cause is rapid industrialization and lower environmental standards in China and South Korea. Three of the world's five most polluted cities -- Beijing, Seoul and Shanghai -- lie in the direction from which Japan's prevailing winds come from November through April. Japanese officials feel that China and Korea are developing at such high speeds that pollutants associated with acid rain are increasingly having some effect on Japan. In the 1970-80's, Korea's experience with rapid industrialization had damaging effects on the environment. At this time, Korea's five year economic plans emphasized heavy industry whereby Korea became one of the world's leading shipbuilder and steel producer. However Korea's economic success also had damaging effects on the environment. It was not until the 1990's, when the Korean government began to take action toward its environmental problems caused by rapid industrialization. The National Trade Data Bank states that 26,000 businesses within Korea are registered with the Ministry of Environment as air pollution emitting facilities. Polluters must comply with a 1990 law that covers 26 different kinds of gases and particulate. As a result, in 1993 South Korea witnessed a drastic reduction in SO2 emission as the use of low sulfur fuel increased. Despite standards set by the Korean government, the level of air pollution in Korea still exceeds that of advanced countries, especially in the winter due to the mass consumption of fossil fuels. "Aggravating the air pollution problem is the skyrocketing number of motor vehicles, especially private passenger vehicles resulting from the significant rise in incomes. At the end of 1993, the number of automobiles on the roads was 6.27 million, up from just 40,000 in 1965. In 1992, motor vehicles emitted 1.84 million tons of all pollution. In Seoul, 60 percent of air pollutants come from motor vehicle exhaust emissions include more stringent emission standards and improve fuel quality." The Department of Commerce indicates that the Korean market for air pollution control equipment, which totaled $557 million in 1992, climbed to USD 910 million in 1993. This market is expected to grow at an average annual rate of 25 percent. The projection for 1993 is $1.4 billion. These numbers indicate that South Korea's road to environmental recovery is still in the initial stages. The restrictions on sulfur dioxide will be the source of lucrative opportunities for US environmental equipment companies. South Korea is not the only area which is causing air quality problems. The Japanese government and electric industry is trying to scientifically prove that China is responsible for Northeast Asia's acid precipitation and encourage the country to install sulfur oxide-trapping equipment in its coal-burning stations and industrial plants. Joint initiatives between South Korea and Japan toward improving air pollution are in progress. However, East Asia's acid rain problems are known to be worsening at a serious pace, but lack of coordination among the countries in the region has made it difficult to pinpoint its causes, with no country acknowledging responsibility. 3. Related Cases CHINCOAL case JAPANAIR case SULFUR case ECCO2 case CLEAN case VENEZ case ECCARBON case Keyword Clusters (1): Product = MANY (2): Bio-geography = TEMPerate (3): Environmental Problem = Pollution Air [POLA] 4. Draft Author: Beryl Kim B. LEGAL CLUSTER 6. Discourse and Status Japan and South Korea understand the effects of SO2 emissions from China on the environment and bilateral efforts between the two countries are in progress. Tokyo and Beijing have agreed to conclude a bilateral agreement on environmental cooperation focusing on measures to check acid rain. South Korea and China to establish a joint fact-finding group on environmental pollution and exchanges. 7. Forum and Scope: KOREA and UNILATeral 8. Decision Breadth: 3 The accelerated development of the substantial fossil fuel systems propelled by high economic and population growth rates have resulted in increased atmospheric emissions of acidifying compounds and greenhouse gases. Talks between these nations have centered on these energy systems which require coal burning as fuel. Increased atmospheric emissions of acidifying compounds and greenhouse gases are a major concern of environmentalists. Thermoelectric power plants, another major cause of acid rain have also been a topic of discussion. China has adopted policies to let foreigners invest in energy projects as conversion of thermoelectric power plants to hydroelectric plants. Both China and Korea are subject to these environmental concerns, while Korea has made progress in shifting fuel sources, China is still in the initial stages. Other agreements between Korea and Japan calls for cooperation on emissions from vehicles and factories, homes and factories, water pollution and pesticides, elimination of substances which cause acid rain in Japan, the pollution of the Japan Sea and protection of migratory birds. Exchanges of on policies and technology, and the promotion of joint environmental research have been established. 9. Legal Standing: LAW Similar agreements have been signed between the United States and Japan concerning environmental issues, specifically acid rain. Japan and South Korea also have made official legislation concerning acid rain. However, for both South Korea and Japan accords between China are the first of its kind to explicitly refer to acid rain. C. GEOGRAPHIC FILTERS 9. Geographic Locations a. Geographic Domain: Asia b. Geographic Site: East Asia c. Geographic Impact: South Korea 10. Sub-National Factors: NO 11. Type of Habitat: TEMPerate D. TRADE FILTERS 12. Type of Measure: Regulatory Standard [REGSTD] 13. Direct vs. Indirect Impacts: INDirect The South Korean government is imposing new regulations on industry, tightening the controls on air pollution and SO2 emissions, however the government has not been able to manage all the problems arising from its rapid industrialization. 15. Relation of Trade Measure to Resource Impact a. Directly Related: No b. Indirectly Related: Yes MANY c. Not Related: No d. Process: Yes Pollution Air [POLA] 16. Trade Product Identification: MANY 17. Economic Data 17. Degree of Competitive Impact: LOW 18. Industry Sectors: MANY 19. Exporter and Importer: MANY and MANY D. ENVIRONMENTAL CLUSTERS 20. Environmental Problem Type: Pollution Air [POLA] The total projected SO2 emissions for the Asian countries in year 2010 of 76 million tons exceeds the projected emissions of North America and Eastern and Western Europe combined. The pollution of lakes and streams contaminates fish, birds, and other forms of waterlife. The polluted skies reduces visibility and causes health hazards. 21. Species Information Name: MANY Type: MANY Diversity: ? Acid raid affects many species. Pollutants cause ecological damage to forests contaminates lakes, streams and rivers, destroys fish and other animal wildlife. 22. Impact and Effect: High and REGULatory 23. Urgency and Lifetime: LOW and 10-20 years 24. Substitutes: Conservation [CONSV] F. OTHER FACTORS 25. Culture: No Both Japan and South Korea are studying cultural artifacts affected by acid rain. In Japan, the Hinomisaki Shrine on the coast of the Sea of Japan in Shimane Prefecture and the Great Buddha in Kamakura, Kanagawa Prefecture, south of Tokyo, is being studied as is the national treasure South Gate near downtown Seoul, Korea and the marble monuments on the grounds of Kyongbokgung, overlooking downtown Seoul. 26. Human Rights: No 27. Trans-Boundary Issues: YES Winds, especially in the winter seasons carry SO2 emissions, the major pollutant of acid rains from the industrializing regions of China toward Japan and South Korea. Researchers are finding that a large percentage of these SO2 emissions are carried toward Japan, 70 percent falls on the East China Sea and the remainder over Kyushu (southern main island of Japan). Acid precipitation also affects the Sea of Japan/East Sea (body of water between Japan and South Korea). Accords between South Korea, Japan and China are being sought to heed global environment protection through borderless environment systems. Although agreement concerning the issue of acid rain had been established between the three nations. The neighbors of China: Japan and South Korea continue to study trends in Chinese internal political, economic, foreign, and security policies in order to ensure peaceful engagement in the region. Some in Japan fear that an economically prosperous but authoritarian China could harbor hegemonic ambitions in Asia while South Korea views the PRC as crucial to its relationship with Pyongyang. 28. Relevant Literature Bureau of International Affairs, Inc. Annual Report From Environmental Agency Urges Greater Attention to Global Issues, International Environmental Reporter-CR, June 1993. Bureau of International Affairs, Inc. Government Begins Enforcement of New Law to Curb Nitrogen Oxide Emissions, International Environmental Reporter-CR, December 1993. Bureau of International Affairs, Inc., Large Parts of Asia Threatened by Acid Rain, International Environmental Reporter-CR, January 1995. China's Foreign and Security Policies, The Washington Quarterly, January 1994. Environmental Information Network, Inc. Japan & South Korea Reach Accord on Joint Pollution Control Efforts, Clean Air Network Online Today , June 4, 1993. Greenwire, Korea: Plants Sprout, Feed Off Seoul's Pollution, American Political Network, Inc., June 17, 1993. Kyodo News Service Tokyo, Korea and its Neighbors, BBC Corporation, June 10, 1993. Radin, Charles, A. Denial of Acid Rain Dissolving in Japan, The Boston Globe, April 2, 1994. USDOC, International Trade Administration, Korea-Pollution Control Opportunities, National Trade Data Bank, April 1995. Walsh, Michael, P. Worldwide Development in Motor Vehicle Pollution, International Environmental Reporter-CR, January 1988. References
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