2010 Census
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The Director's Blog
Director Robert M. Groves
My idea is to use this blog to let you know my thoughts about how the country is doing as we approach this "national ceremony" that occurs every 10 years - the decennial census.
Article I, Section 2:
During a visit to James Madison's historic home, Census Bureau Director Robert Groves reflects on the Constitution and the civic duty of filling out the census form.
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Mail Participation Rate
Latest Census TV Ads
The television ads are part of the U.S. Census Bureau's national advertising campaign to boost mail participation rates in the once-a-decade population count.
The Census Road Tour
The Census Road Tour is in Miami for the big game, and soon we’ll be coming to a town near you. See the Road Tour where you can follow one of our 13 vehicles and find events in your area.
Read the "Portrait of America" Road Tour Blog
The Whole Story
Have questions about your privacy?
Census political affiliations?
Concerns regarding non-citizen participation?
Cut through the rumors and misconceptions with straight up facts about the 2010 Census.
Key Dates
March 2010Census forms are mailed or delivered to households
April 1st 2010National Census Day. Use this day as a point of reference for sending your completed forms back in the mail
April - July 2010Census takers visit households that did not return a form by mail
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