RMIT - Public Art discipline in School of Art
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Public Art / Art in Public Space
The Public Art / Art in Public Space programs offer experience required to produce Public Art projects in a professional environment. They provide historical, theoretical, practical and administrative learning. Candidates will attain the skills to act effectively in the field as artists, client representatives and Public Art project business and site managers.
Study explores art in the public realm, both commissioned and self-initiated. Practice may include street sculpture and street art, wall paintings, constructed landscapes and public installation, projects in virtual space; and trans-disciplinary work engaging new and emerging technologies. Projects can be carried out collaboratively with architects, landscape architects, urban planners, designers and other related professionals. Candidates undertake real life projects both in Australia and overseas, engaging a broad network of industry partners and associated institutions.
Applicants are invited from across the fields of art, design, architecture, film, related sciences and public administration. Cross-disciplinary work is recognised and diversity of background and experience is encouraged in applicants.
MERIDIANS Shanghai 2010: Transdisciplinary - Art & Sound in Public Space Project
Programs and courses
Visual Art (Public Art stream) - Diploma
Public Art - Graduate Certificate
Postgraduate by coursework
Art in Public Space - Master of Arts
Incorporating: GD070 Graduate Diploma (Art in Public Space), and GC045 Graduate Certificate (Art in Public Space).