
The Future of Freedom Foundation

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As a (501)(c)(3) non-profit foundation that advances the freedom philosophy, The Future of Freedom Foundation does not accept government grants or loans. The principle source of our revenue is tax-deductible donations from our supporters. We welcome your support, which enables us to advance liberty more effectively.

Donation by Credit Card

If you wish to donate to The Future of Freedom Foundation using your credit card, please call us at (703) 934-6101 or use our secure online system by clicking the "Donate to FFF" button below:

Donations of Stock

If you wish to donate stock to The Future of Freedom Foundation, please follow the instructions below:

1) Contact our brokerage, USAA, at (877) 531-3530

You will need:
2) The number of shares you are donating.
3) The type of shares you are donating.
3) The transferring agency, it's contact person and telephone number.
4) The account you are donating your stock to: The Future of Freedom Foundation.
7) USAA's DTC number: 0367.
8) A contact person at FFF: Bart Frazier (703) 934-6101

Freedom Daily Subscriptions

The Future of Freedom Foundation's uncompromising journal of free-market ideas.

Freedom Daily Print Version

Freedom Daily Email Version
  • One-year subscription (12 monthly issues)
    Price: $15.00


  • Two-year subscription (24 monthly issues)
    Price: $25.00


FFF Email Update

Our hard-hitting, no-holds-barred free FFF Email Update is sent to subscribers daily and includes commentaries on current events, a thought for the week, most recent additions to our web site, and an update of upcoming FFF events.

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If you are interested in making a donation by check to The Future of Freedom Foundation, our address is: The Future of Freedom Foundation
11350 Random Hills Road
Suite 800
Fairfax, Virginia 22030
Tel: (703) 934-6101 Fax: (703) 352-8678