
The EnviroLink Network - [topic]

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Gulf seafood tested for oil but not dispersant. - No one is testing seafood to tell whether it has absorbed the toxic compounds found ... (posted 07/13/2010 from TC Palm)

Ten Nations at 'Extreme Risk' Because of Water Shortages, Report Says -

Ten countries worldwide including five African nations are at "extreme risk" because of limited access ... (posted 07/13/2010 from ENN)

Tests of new containment cap to determine whether it can hold oil in place. -

In perhaps the most significant development since BP's runaway well began spewing oil in the ... (posted 07/13/2010 from New Orleans Times-Picayune)

Climate change can be hazardous to your health. -

From heat stress to sewage overflows climate change promises to bring extreme weather that can ... (posted 07/13/2010 from Daily Climate)

Salazar revises rules for deepwater drilling ban. -

Interior Secretary Ken Salazar issued revised rules on Monday for a six-month moratorium on deepwater ... (posted 07/13/2010 from New York Times) More News Headlines | Discuss the News

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Animal Concerns
A project of EnviroLink, Animal Concerns is the online community for people concerned about the welfare and rights of animals.

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About EnviroLink
The EnviroLink Network is a non-profit organization founded in 1991. EnviroLink maintains a database of thousands of environmental resources and provides internet services to non-profit organizations. Learn more about EnviroLink.

Celebrate Earth Day throughout the month of April. Learn about and participate in events in your area.
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Environmental Resources

The EnviroLink Network is a non-profit organization which has been providing access to thousands of online environmental resources since 1991. Suggest a new resource.

EnviroLink in the Virtual World

The EnviroLink Network has been helping non-profit organizations take advantage of emerging technologies since 1991. Continuing in that tradition, Envirolink provides space and support to mission-related organizations in the virtual world of Second Life and a respite and learning environment for nearly 500 individuals. Come join EnviroLink on the Commonwealth Islands in Second Life now and sign up at our online community space for discussing our work in Second Life.