
Canada Is A Trading Nation - Canada's Major Trading Partners

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Canada Is A Trading Nation

Canada's Major Trading Partners - 2008

Canada is a major trading nation whose combined value of exports and imports is the equivalent of more than two-thirds of the country's GDP. Canada trades with the world but its main trading partner is the U.S., accounting for roughly three-quarters of trade and the majority of capital moving in and out of Canada.

Canada's Top 10 Export Markets
by Country, 2008
 Country % Share of
Total Exports
 United States 77.7  
 United Kingdom 2.7  
 Japan 2.3  
 China 2.2  
 Mexico 1.2  
 Germany 0.9  
 Netherlands 0.8  
 South Korea 0.8  
 Belgium 0.7  
 France 0.7  
 Total of Top 10 90.0  
Canada's Top 10 Import Markets
by Country, 2008
 Country % Share of
Total Imports  
 United States 52.4  
 China 9.8  
 Mexico 4.1  
 Japan 3.5  
 Germany 2.9  
 United Kingdom 2.9  
 Algeria 1.8  
 France 1.4  
 Norway 1.4  
 South Korea 1.4  
 Total of Top 10 81.6  

Source: Industry Canada, 2009 (6/2009)