
Services and Fees - AMHA

Parentage Verification Program Transfers
Registrations Leases
Stallion Service Reports Prefixes
Semen Transport Permits Name Changes
Deaths/Castrations Duplicate Certificates
8-Generation Reports Progeny Reports
Registry Fees  

What does the AMHA Registry do? It deals with many diverse transactions. Registry staff receive over 20,000 applications and inquiries annually.

Here is a list of the many services the AMHA Registry Department can help you with. Please refer to the Registry Rules and Regulations for complete details.

Parentage Verification Program
DNA Testing helps ensure the integrity of the AMHA registry. Before a Morgan can be registered, it must have its parentage verified by DNA Testing. In addition, all stallions used for breeding must be tested as well as every mare producing a foal.

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All changes of ownership must be recorded with the AMHA. The original registration certificate MUST be submitted, along with a transfer application signed by the owner(s) of record with any applicable fees.

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The recorded owner(s) of  the dam at time of foaling MUST sign a registration application. A stallion service report reflecting the breeding must have been previously filed. The stallion, mare and foal must be DNA Tested prior to the foal's registration. 

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Notice of Lease Agreement applications MUST be signed by both the lessee AND lessor. Leases are recorded for showing and/or breeding purposes. Either party can and should notify the Registry in writing of the termination of any lease.

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Stallion Service Reports

A  Stallion Service Report MUST be filed annually by January 15 of each year for all stallions used for breeding. The report must list all mares bred or exposed to the stallion as well as the dates of breeding or exposure. All stallions MUST be DNA Tested in order to register their offspring. 

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Recording of deaths and castrations is considered very important and is required by the Rules of the Registry. This information may be submitted in writing at any time. Registration certificates must be submitted when reporting a castration. The date of gelding will be noted and the certificate returned to you. When submitting a death notice registration certificates may be submitted with each notice, but are not required. Notations will be discreetly made on certificates. Certificates will be returned to owners, if requested.

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Semen Transport Permits

All owners transporting semen must acquire a semen transport permit for each stallion BEFORE shipping semen. A permit can be transferred with a change of ownership. A semen transport application REQUIRES four photographs of the stallion (front, rear, left and right views). 

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Name Changes

A horse's name may be changed once during its lifetime by the recorded owner if

  • The horse has no registered progeny.
  • The horse has not appeared on any AMHA breeding record.
  • The change is requested before January 1 of the year in which the horse becomes a two-year-old.
  • The Register has the written permission of the owner of the dam at the time of foaling.
  • Requested names must meet all other requirements of Rule 3.

To apply for a name change, the recorded owner must return the registration certificate to the AMHA with the new name choice and the appropriate name change fee.

If approved, the name change will be recorded in the breed database and published in official AMHA communications.

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A prefix is a name, word, letter or combination of these, coming before the name of a foal, recorded with the Registry for the ownersi exclusive use. The purpose of a prefix is to distinguish Morgans bred by different people. Prefixes may be registered for a one-time fee.

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Duplicate Certificates

Lost or destroyed certificates can be replaced if the owner submits a notarized application for a duplicate certificate. The application REQUIRES four photographs of the horse (front, rear, left and right views).

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8-Generation Reports

Eight-generation reports give information on a specific animal's lineage, and are available for a small fee. They include:

  • name
  • registration number
  • color and markings
  • sex
  • year of birth
  • ownership history
  • lease history (where applicable)
  • blood typing status

An eight-generation pedigree for the animal includes the names, numbers and years of birth of all ancestors. It also contains a list of all animals appearing more than once in eight generations and the number of times they appear.

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Progeny Reports
Progeny reports list all the offspring of a particular horse and are available for a small fee. They include:

  • the horse's registration information
  • a list of all offspring and their registration information
  • a list of all full siblings of the horse and their registration information
  • the current owner's name, address and telephone number(s)
  • breeding histories for mares
  • ownership histories
  • progeny totals by sex and color

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Registrations  Member  Nonmember
 Registration (includes DNA test):
 Within 6 months of foaling date*
 $90  $165
 Within 6 months to 12 months*
 $100  $175
 Within 12 months to 18 months*
 $125  $200
 Within 18 months to 24 months*
 $210  $285
 After 24 months*
 $410  $485
 Reciprocity Registration from Canada
 $30  $30
 Hand-Generated "Old Style" Cert.
 $50  $125
 Combined test of Blood typing and DNA
 $250  $250
 Rush fee per DNA kit
 $75  $75

 *Includes DNA Hair Kit 

 Member  Nonmember
 Transfer within 6 months of transfer date  $30  $105
 Transfer after 6 months of transfer date  $40  $115
Multiple transfers on same horse  $50  $125
Transfers due to death/divorce*  ½ price  ½ price
*Only if going from joint acct to account with other party    
 Lease  $30  $105
 Duplicate Certificate
 $25  $100
 Prefix Certificate
 $300  $400
 Corrected Certificate
 $25  $100
 First Coat Color Test Fee for an unregistered Morgan  $40  $115
 First Coat Color Test Fee for a registered Morgan  $65  $140
 Each Additional Coat Color Test on Same Horse
 $25  $100
 Reissue Certificate with Coat Color Test Results
 $25  $100
 Permit $200  $275
 Late Permit
$300 $375
 Transfer of permit to new owner
$50  $125
 Late transfer of permit to new owner
$100 $175
 Applications Frozen Semen Certificate
$15 $15
 DNA Conversion
Replacement Kit
Emailed Replacement Kit
8-Generation Pedigree
Progeny Report
Show Letter
Show Results
Horse's Name Change
DNA from other biological matter
DNA from frozen semen or DNA KIt
Reinstatement of Papers
10 Mares or Less
11 to 20 Mares
20 Mares or More
Late fee in Addition to Filing Fee:
After January 15
After February 15
Amended Report
All continental U.S. Next Day Service
Cancellation fee for uncompleted registry transactions
$25  $25