IWS Psychological Operations (PsyOps) / Influence Operations
- ️Wanja Eric Naef
PsyOps Terms |
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Consolidation Psychological Operations - Psychological operations conducted in foreign areas inhabited by an enemy or potentially hostile populace and occupied by United States forces, or in which United States forces are based, designed to produce behaviors by the foreign populace that support United States objectives in the area. (Joint Pub 1-02) Overt Peacetime Psychological Operations Programs - Those programs developed by combatant commands, in coordination with the chiefs of US diplomatic missions, that plan, support, and provide for the conduct, during military operations other than war, of psychological operations in support of US regional objectives, policies, interests, and theater military missions. Also called OP3. (Approved for inclusion in next edition of Joint Pub 1-02) Propaganda - Any form of communication in support of national objectives designed to influence the opinions, emotions, attitudes, or behavior of any group in order to benefit the sponsor, either directly or indirectly. (Joint Pub 1-02)Psychological Operations - Planned operations to convey selected information and indicators to foreign audiences to influence their emotions, motives, objective reasoning, and ultimately the behavior of foreign governments, organizations, groups, and individuals. The purpose of psychological operations is to induce or reinforce foreign attitudes and behavior favorable to the originator’s objectives. Also called PSYOP. (Joint Pub 1-02) |
Definition of Psychological Operations:
'Psychological Operations: Planned operations to convey selected
information and indicators to foreign audiences to influence their
emotions, motives, objective reasoning, and ultimately the behavior
of foreign governments, organizations, groups, and individuals.
The purpose of psychological operations is to induce or reinforce
foreign attitudes and behavior favorable to the originator's objectives.
Also called PSYOP. See also consolidation psychological operations;
overt peacetime psychological operations programs; perception management.
' US Department
of Defense
& Public Policy General ArticlesBuilding U.S.- Muslim Understanding and Dialog: Public Diplomacy in the Arab and Muslim Worlds, Ambassador William Rugh (retired),
Foreign Press Center Briefing,
Washington, DC,
March 16, 2005Deception 101--Primer on Deception, by Dr. Joseph Caddell. Deception is a traditional component of political and military conflict. This monograph defines terms, examines historical examples, and discusses problems associated with deception. It provides a general overview and may serve as a useful reminder of the basic assumptions and methods concerning the subject, December 2004. U.S. Launches Arabic Satellite Television Broadcasts Feb. 14 Alhurra aims to deliver "accuracy" and "free and open debate", February 2004 ![]() Mind games - in the Wake of Iraq, Lieutenant-Colonel Steven Collins assesses the Coalition's perception-management operations before, during and after Operation Iraqi Freedom and their implications for NATO. Reprinted with permission from the NATO Review, NATO Copyright 2003 New Strategic Direction Urged for Public Diplomacy, United States Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy, October 2003 ![]() U.S. Public Diplomacy: State Department Expands Efforts but Faces Significant Challenges, GAO-03-951, September 2003 The New Diplomacy: Utilizing Innovative Communication Concepts That Recognize Resource Constraints, A Report from the United States Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy July 2003 U.S. International Broadcasting: New Strategic Approach Focuses on Reaching Large Audiences but Lacks Measurable Program Objectives, GAO-03-772, July 2003 ![]() Commando Solo II: Weapon of Mass Persuasion, March 19, 2003 American Public Diplomacy and Islam -- U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, Thursday, February 27, 2003 PSYOPS soldiers aim to win hearts, minds - Third United States Army Kuwait, February 2003 Radio Sawa Delivers Arab and American Popular Music, April 2002 ![]() U.S. Commando Solo II Takes Over Afghan Airwaves by Jim Garamone American Forces Press Service, Oct. 29, 2001 ![]() US 4th Psychological Operations Group to get new commander Media Advisory August 2, 2001Persian Gulf War 10 years later: Winning the war by convincing the enemy to go home by Al Zdon. Reprinted with permission from The Minnesota American Legion and Auxiliary Legionnaire , Winning the war by convincing the enemy to go home by Al Zdon, 2001. ![]() ![]() ![]() Psychological Operations in Bosnia by Lieutenant Colonel Thomas K. Adams, US Army, Retired, Military Review, Headquarters, Department of the Army Prepared by US ARMY COMMAND AND GENERAL STAFF COLLEGE VOLUME LXXVIII - December 1998-February 1999, NO 6 Professional Bulletin 100-98-12 ![]() Commando Solo Fact Sheet 193d Special Operations Wing Pennsylvania Air National Guard Information Warfare: An Air Force Policy for the Role of Public Affairs by Robin K. Crumm, June 1996 ![]() PsyOps Leaflets Leaflets dropped Over Iraq![]() PsyOps during the Korean War ![]() |
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U.S. Army Special Operations Command Fort Bragg, North Carolina
28310 US
Army FM 33-1 on Psychological Operations published by the
US Army JFK SPEC WAR CTRE February 1993, Information
restricted to U.S. Government agencies and their contractors
US Army FM 33-1-1 on Psychological Operations on Techniques and Procedures published by the US Army JFK SPEC WAR CTRE May 1994,
Information restricted to U.S. Government agencies and their contractors US Naval Reserve United States Atlantic Command Psychological Operations Unit 'is a special purpose radio/television production unit whose dedicated mission is to train audiovisual personnel for mobilization and to produce audiovisual products in response to CINCUSACOM Special Operation Requirements.'Clandestine Radio Watch (CRW) is a biweekly summary which centralizes the latest news and developments affecting the study of clandestine radio stations (definitions are very soft, even clandestine radio related stations are included). The editions are published (for free) on the CRW web site.
Falling Leaf - Psywar Society Journal 'First published in 1958, the Falling Leaf provides an invaluable source of news, articles and information about aerial propaganda leaflets. 'Phil Taylor's Web Site. The site contains articles & links covering topics such as
Military-Media Relations, Public Diplomacy, Information Warfare & Information Operations, Psychological Operations, War Reporting, Perception Management & the 'war' on TerrorismThe Psywarrior Site 'This website will attempt to give new emphasis to the indirect approach by conveying a better appreciation for the application of psychological operations. So sit back and join me on a tour of the history of Psychological Operations, and what PSYOP is today.' POVA - Psychological Operations Veterans Association 'Pure and simple, the Psychological Operations Veterans Association is a reunion association. We have no formal affiliation with our brothers and sisters on active duty with the 4th Psyop Group, nor with the US Army or any other element of the government. The core of the association right now is made up of those of us who served in the 4th Group - and its earlier incarnations - in Vietnam. But we recognize, honor and welcome all Psywarriors from all eras and all engagements. We, above all others, understand and appreciate the work done in Grenada, Panama, Kuwait and now in Bosnia.'
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30 December, 2007
by Wanja Eric Naef
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