THE BUNAK PRINCEDOM OF LAMAKNEN Lamaknen is described in the Encyclopedie van Ned. O-Indie of 1933 as an union of principalities (not part of Fialaran then) made up of the little principalities of Makir, Lamaksanoeloe, Kewar, Leowaloe, Loonoena, Noealain, Lakmaras and the Fettorship of Dirun.If a statelette here is ruled by a raja doesn't mean that they are more important then one ruled by a fettor. The Dutch recognized Makir, Lamaksanoeloe and Diroen as separate states (within Lamaknen) and Lamaknen of course also recognised as state. Traditionally, the Lorohs of Lamaknen were one time the Rajas of Kewar, and the other time the Rajas of Lakmaras. Originally, Lakmaras was the so-called symbolic, unifying and non-active ruling chief Raja of L.Kewar who was the active ruler for the former. In 1933 there was no real upper raja recognized by Holland. After World War II the Principality of Lamaknen was totally restored again as a recognised principality. At the founding of this kingdom, the various families got together to choose best person to govern the domain. They were people from Kewar, Lakmaras, Henes, Noalain, Makir, Lamaksenulu, Fulur, Leowalu, Duarato, Ekin, Lona and Dirun. They choose a Loro Luan Lesu as their first ruler. The succession is as the following: 1. Loro Luan Lesu. 2. Loro Bau Tae, taken from Aiassa in Timor Leste. 3. Loro Loi Mau, his son. 4. Loro Bibel Laku Malik I, from Aiassa. 5. Loro Siri Loe, taken from Majob in Timor Leste. 6. Loro Bere Tae, taken from Aiassa. 7. Loro Mau Tasik, taken from Maubara. 8. Loro Laku Malik II, from Aiassa, died c. 1870. 9. Loro Laku Malik III, from Aiassa, died 1950. 10. Loro A.(ALFONSUS) A.(ANDREAS) Bere Tallo, son of Manuloe, who was Raja of Dirun in Lamaknen. Died 24 April 2002. He was installed during the Japanese time and this was probably done on 5th August 1945.He ruled really as a Raja until 1959. 11. Loro Josef Kalimau (IGNATIUS JOSEPH (NASU) KALIMAU), the present raja. His father was Malibere, his mother was Bernadette Ujumoro (family with the old raja clan; from the female house-clan related with Bere Tallo). He is born 3 July 1933. He was consecrated on 16 October 2003.
Pictures of the Palace of Lamaknen
Lamaknen Function