
Lee Ferrell for Congress District 2 Georgia

Lee Ferrell for Congress in the State of Georgia, 2nd congressional district

See announcement below

Hello to all,

I wanted to post this to show my support and hopefully yours for Mr. Lee Ferrell of Albany, Georgia and his attempt at getting on the Georgia Ballot and congressional run against the incumbent Congressman Sanford Bishop.

Mr. Ferrell is running under the new Veterans Party banner which is not exclusive but inclusive to all citizens that want to put some common sense back in government.  Not only common sense but common sense "with logic and purpose."

In my opinion, for those that I have been communicating with for the last five or six years, we do not need any more democrats or republicans that preach the party line.  The pandering party line is the problem not the solution.

I have had several meetings with Mr. Ferrell and he has been to my home twice to discuss all issues.  Mr. Ferrell, having acutely experienced what our Veterans have and are going through with the DOD/VA and the less than forthcoming congressional support in challenging what the executive branch is doing to our Veterans, their widows, and their children will make an excellent congressional representative.

I can tell you this if you value my opinion at all.  Mr. Ferrell is not afraid of any controversial issue; I could tell he is very very intelligent, logical, and very common sense oriented;  confrontational if the need arises (even with me), and will not be intimidated by anyone or any position in power.

In a discussion on some of the issues while I was pretty much beat with this fatigue issue he challenged me on several issues to see if I knew what I was talking about with data and I went "line and verse."  The next day, after thinking about what I had conveyed and looking up several of the issues himself.  His comment was if you were that good with the way you felt yesterday, I would love to see you in action on a good day and on your game.

My problem has been all along that I cannot get our government/DOD/VA to stand and fight me on the issues of "facts and data."  Mr. Ferrell, if elected, would be in a position to ask questions, "demand answers", and make those answers or "lack of answers and responsiveness" public For all to see as basically an independent party candidate, all be it under the Veterans Party banner.  Moreover, certainly a position to address changes that need to be made.

Mr. Ferrell has stated Americans first and that certainly includes our Nations Warriors and their widows, which in my opinion have been "laid aside as citizens."

Mr. Ferrell is a "grass roots candidate" and accepting no corporate money but he now needs help with "boots on the ground" with the required signature campaign.  He really needs that support to get on the Georgia ballot.  The Georgia rules for even getting on the ballot are very restrictive as with most states. 

Some would say that is a good thing to keep from having 95 candidates.  I would say it is so restricted by the parties in power the last 75 years to keep competition out of government and maintain their power base in the federal government.  Yes, there should be some form of qualification but not to the point of unless you run as a democrat or republican you have little or no chance of even meeting some of these restrictive requirements to get on the ballot.

If you live in the Second Congressional district of Georgia or close enough to help support and are willing and able to help start a change in our government, independent of lobby and corporate money and pressure, please contact Mr. Ferrell (Lee) directly at:


Mr. Ferrell's website is located at:  http://www.veteransparty.us/can/ferrell/ferrell.htm

Mr. Ferrell at this time is not asking for any monies from anyone as at present the campaign is more effort and time. 

However, if he can get on the Georgia ballot I will be asking that "all Veterans" of "all states" send Lee at least  five dollars or ten or even more if you can afford it.

In any history there is a time for change and this certainly could be the beginning of a new time for all us, our children's future, and the future of our nation.


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