PubMed Reader's Features
Access to full text articles
Instant access to PubMed information
Export citations into EndNote, Bibtex, Reference Manager
User-defined display and information
User friendly: few clicks and manuals
Indepth explanations and help files
Multiple export functions for different user needs
Integrates easily into user's daily workflow
Access from website or from user's workstation
Flexible - user-defined display of information
Integration into external websites for information sharing
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PubMed Reader / Medline Reader is a free web-based research program for displaying PubMed / Medline search results on an individual basis.
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PubMed Reader - the next generation of literature search programs!
Presented at the RSNA, Chicago 2006
PubMed Reader has been awarded at the ARRS, Orlando 2007
This literature search program is completely web-based, easy to use and with no need for additional downloads or plugins.
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© 2005-2011 PubMedReader
Awarded by the ARRS!
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