
Philosophy for a Modern Thinker

Welcome to . New . Ideas .in .Philosophy

Living philosophy from a modern thinker

The articles on this website explore the ways that consciousness makes sense of reality. The philosophy ranges over psychology, science and metaphysics. A wide view of life is embraced, and this panorama enables me to produce stimulating ideas.

20th century Anglo-American philosophy became limited to analytical logic because psychology was removed from the fields of interest. A living, dynamic philosophy always needs psychological input as the means of validating the flights of ideas. I tie my philosophical interests to dynamic psychology and create original ideas, as well as updating old ones.

What is the value of philosophy ?

It took me years of introspective analysis to realise that a person’s character hinges on the set of beliefs and concepts that he subscribes to. Hence true poverty is not materialistic poverty but conceptual poverty. The fewer ideas that there are in a person’s vocabulary the less likely is it that the person will be able to explore meaning in life. The fewer ideas that are within a person’s grasp, the more narrow and prejudiced will be his outlook on life.

What is the value of psychology to philosophy ?

To answer this question, I open this website with a link to an article that illustrates the inter-twining of these two disciplines. Many more articles can be accessed from the list of additional articles.

Psychology and Philosophy

how these disciplines interact.

List . of Additional Articles

Links . plus Previews of my other Websites

Readers' Comments - comments on the articles by readers

This website was put on the internet in February 2003

Copyright © 2003 Ian Heath
All Rights Reserved

The copyright is mine, and the articles are free to use. They can be reproduced anywhere, so long as the source is acknowledged.

Ian Heath
London, UK


e-mail address:

If you want to contact me, use the address above but replace the <at> by @

Also, since there are numerous articles on this site, please include the title of the article if you want me to clarify or discuss particular issues.

It may be a few days before I can respond to correspondence.