
Rodenticides | Pesticides | US EPA

  • ️US EPA, Office of Pesticide Programs
  • ️Wed Jan 17 2007

Current as of June 7, 2011

Rodenticide Products for Consumers

This Web page is designed to inform consumers about pesticide products to control mice and rats in and around the home while reducing risks to children, pets and wildlife. It also explains how to choose a rodenticide bait station product that is best for your household and includes links to information about other ways to prevent and control mice and rats in residential areas.

Regulatory Background

This web page provides information about EPA’s regulation of rodenticides.

For More Information

  • Rusty Wasem (wasem.russell@epa.gov), 703-305-6979if there are any accesibility issues please call the chemical review manager.
  • Rodenticide docket EPA-HQ-OPP-2006-0955 at Regulations.gov
  • Media Inquiries - Dale Kemery (kemery.dale@epa.gov), 202-564-7839