

in pulsating synth and faux strings that surge underneath the gurgling electronic bass, it features Lohan's sultry drawl as she urges people to just let her "live." The video is a slick, bling encrusted slab of sweltering cinematic imagery that is ripped right out of the P. Diddy visual playbook. In short, it's prime MTV fare aimed at the ADD addled masses. And yes, despite it's calculated assimilation, it's pervasively infectious, the kind of track that will no doubt keep the dance floors sweaty and steamy for a few months to come.

For the most part "Rumors" serves as the perfect introduction to the album, as it more or less sets the tone of the remaining 10 tracks, which bounce from ragged guitar driven pop rock to swirling synth pop, all of it driven by Lohan's snarls, breathy croons, and emotionally restrained angst. Speaking of the latter, the subject matter strewn throughout tends to lean toward the topics of love, both lost and found, with song titles like "Nobody 'Til You," "Symptoms of You" reflecting this thematic, while others like "To Know Your Name" follow-up on the whole prying eyes of the public gripe that drives "Rumors."

The album commences with "First," which is propelled by crunchy guitars while Lohan croons in a mock Gwen Stefani squiggle demanding that the guy she's with give her all the attention. It's the type of song that will no doubt resonate with teen girls just falling into the throes of love. "Nobody 'Til You" shifts the focus from the "Me" to the "You, with Lohan stressing "'Til you I was nothing but lonely nights…" The song hits a somewhat ironic punch given that Lohan's much publicized romance with Wilmer Valderrama recently came to an abrupt end.

Even though "Symptoms of You" follows in the footsteps of "Nobody 'Til You," in that it's a song about Lohan's love sick tendencies toward her chosen object of affection, on another level it's almost as if Lohan is taking an amusing swipe at her own tabloid press, specifically her recent hospital stay for exhaustion, on when she breathily careens "I'm not ill/I don't need to take a pill/To fix what you do/Cure can't come through/Cause baby all I do is suffer from you/Symptoms of you." The track itself is awash in Vanessa Carlton-styled piano before jumping off into "angry" Avril influenced rock terrain.

The album's title track returns to the bumping electro disco reverberation, complete with breathy background vocals and Lohan adopting a decidedly Madonna-esque vocal style, at least on the verses. "Over" begins like a Cure