History and Background Information - Budget & Asset Management - Oklahoma State University
The Budget Office has been charged with the responsibility of maintaining the Physical Facilities Inventory for OSU-Stillwater and the OSU Center for Health Sciences in Tulsa. Budget has close-knit working relationships with the Physical Plant's Engineering & Utility Services (E&US) and the office of Risk, Plant & Property Management (RPPM). Budget, E&US, and RPPM provide data and information that allow university administrators to make informed decisions regarding current and potential use of campus space and future needs.
Managing a university's physical space requires cooperation and communication between Budget, E&US, RPPM, the administration, and the academic departments. Consider that Oklahoma State University includes:
1,489 acres on the Stillwater campus
5,914 acres in the surrounding areas (mostly agriculture and veterinary medicine)
20,269 acres that include Lake Carl Blackwell
over 400 buildings with almost 10,000,000 gross square feet
over 20,000 rooms
Budget collects, maintains, and analyzes information about university space use through the Physical Facilities Inventory. Instructions, definitions, and schedules are provided through the Space Home Page. With a computer-aided facility management system called Archibus, Budget and E&US maintain information in Building, Room, Room Percentages, and other supporting tables. The data in these tables provide information to analyze current use of space and can be used in a needs model developed by the International Council of Educational Facility Planners. This model is a systematic process to assess the adequacy of existing space and future needs.
Physical Plant's E&US maintains CAD drawings of all buildings. Since the installation of Archibus in October 1999, over 100 buildings have been remeasured, redrawn, and linked to the rooms inventory. This linkage allows floor plans to be displayed and printed that have been color coded and/or cross-hatched to show room use by department, by room type, or by program (function). Archibus also provides a summary of square footage by any of these categories. E&US mantains a Web site for viewing interactive campus maps, floor plans for campus buildings, and other facilities information at http://www.pp.okstate.edu/engr/.
Risk, Plant & Property Management (RPPM) maintains information on buildings, acreages, leases, and insurance on all university assets. This office also oversees the accounting and financial reporting for capital projects of the university.
For information on space management issues, contact:
Budget/Space contatcs:- Becky Stanley, Specialist (Space), beckyst@okstate.edu
- Joe Weaver, Assoc. Vice President, jweaver@okstate.edu
Physical Plant Engineering & Utility Services
- Lynn Hazelbaker, CADD Supervisor, lynn@pp.okstate.edu
Risk, Plant & Property Management
- Charles Fleischer, Rental Property Manager, cfleisc@okstate.edu
- Suzanne Frits, Asst. Director, sfrits@okstate.edu
- Brenna Dixon, Asst. Director, dixonb@okstate.edu
- Mike Bale, Director, mbale@okstate.edu