
A Angels

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HAAIAH-An angel belonging to the angel order of dominations who was mentioned in angelic lore as recorded in the traditions of the Qabalah. Haaiah is credited with authority over the fields of diplomacy, working to guide the labors of representatives and ambassadors.

HABRIEL-An angel who is a member of the choir or order of powers. He is considered a suitable angel or spirit for invoking or summoning in certain magical rites among the Hebrews.

HADARIEL-Also called Hadarniel and Hadramiel, and angel who has a fairly prominent place in Jewish legend, serving traditionally as the much-feared and quite imposing keeper of the gates of heaven. Hadariel, whose name means "the glory (or Greatness) of God," is one of the tallest beings in all of heaven, standing some sixty myriads of parasangs high, a distance calculated to exceed two million miles. Amazingly he is not the tallest of angels, still being dwarfed by the truly humongous Sandalphon. Nevertheless, Hadariel has a voice so dominating that when he shouts forth the proclamations of the Lord, the sound echoes through the two hundred thousand heavens, each word accompanied by twelve thousand flashes of lightning.

HADRAMIEL-See Hadariel.

HAFAZA-A type of angel found in Islamic lore that can be considered the Muslim equivalent of the guardian angel. The hafaza, however, are not assigned one by one to each person. Rather, each living soul is guarded by four angels, two keeping watch during the day and two remaining vigilant during the night. Their protective duties are centered in defending the soul against the assaults of Satan and evil spirits, especially the jinn (the Isalamic demon). Mortals should be most alert or concerned with their well-being at dawn and at sunset, for at those times the hafaza change their guard and thus the protective barrier they form is at its weakest. The hafaza have one other important task. They endlessly write down in great books every action-good or bad-committed by their ward. As there are four angels, the living can be assured that every little deed, no matter how small, will not escape their attention. When the person dies, the four present their books, which are kept until the final Day of Judgment, when they will be read and used to determine whether the mortal is deserving of admission into heaven. (See also Guardian Angels.)

HAMON-A high-ranking and apparently powerful angelic prince mentioned in the Third Book of Enoch. In that compendium of angelic lore, Hamon is described as "the great, terrible, honored, beautiful, and dreaded Prince, who makes all the denizens of the heights when the time comes to recite (the endless praises of God). In some traditions, and according to St. Jerome, Hamon can be considered or equated with the archangel Gabriel.

HANIEL-Also Hanael and Aniel, an angel whose name means "the grace of God" and who is generally credited with the title of prince or chief of the angelic orders or choirs of the principalities and virtues. As such, he is honored as one of the seven great archangels in several lists.

HARUT AND MARUT-Also Haroth and Maroth, two leading angels who appeared in both Persian and Islamic legend. Among the Persians, Harut and Marut were two very formidable angels who knew the incomparably powerful secret name of God. According to the Qur'an, Harut and Marut were two angels who came down from heaven and taught certain secrets to hunanity, interpreted variously as magic and sorcery or the workings of the government. Islamic legend also tells the tale of Harut and Marut and how they joined the ranks of the fallen angels.

HASHMAL-Also known as Chasmal and Hasmal, the chief angel or leader of the angelic choir of the hashmallim (or hamshallim), the Hebrew equivalent of the later order or choir of dominations. Hashmal is said in Jewish lore to be the "fire-speaking angel" who is found near the holy throne of God. Aside from Hashmal, the chiefs of the dominations or hashmallim are said to be Zadkiel, Muriel, and Yahriel.

HASHMALLIM-The Hebrew name given to one of the choirs or orders of angels; the hashmallim are considered the angelic equivalent of the later choir of dominations. They are thus to be equated with the high order of angels occupying the fourth place in the nine choirs and the first place in the second holy triad of angels, with the virtures and powers. In Jewish lore the hashmallim reside in a realm under the care of the great Metatron. The hashmallim can also be considered analogous to the angels called the hayyoth, who carry or bear the throne of God and are under the authority of the dread angel Hayliel YHWH.

HAYLIEL YHWH-A "great and powerful" angelic prince who is mentioned in the compilation of angelic lore assembled in the Third Book of ENOCH. It is written there that Hayliel is a prince "noble and terrible," capable of swallowing the entire world in just one gulp. He is so called because he has authority over the creatures, whipping them with lashes of fire while extolling them to proclaim ever and always the song of praise.

HAYY-The angel of medieval lore who supposedly served as a tutor to the great Islamic philosopher Avicenna (980-1037).

HAYYOTH-Also called the chayyoth, a group of mighty angels who reside in the seventh heaven and are under the leadership of the frightful and imposing angel Hayliel YHWH. Impressive and imposing, the hayyoth are considered analogous to or can be equated with the cherubim of later angelic lore. Two descriptions are given for the hayyoth, the first in the Old Testament Book of Ezekiel (1:4-28), the second in the Third Book of Enoch. The principle tasks of the angels are to bear or carry the throne of God A mission identical to that of the hashmallim, with whom they are also closely identified) and to sing the endless praises of God.

HEAVENLY HOST-The broad collective name for all of the angels and archangels of heaven. While the term has rather distinct military connotations, the heavenly host does not necessarily imply the host in conflict or at direct war with the forces of evil. Rather, it denotes the angels as a whole, together chanting and giving endless adoration to God.

HEAVENS, ANGELS OF THE SEVEN-The listing found in Jewish lore for the seven great angels who serve as the princes or ruling chiefs of the seven heavens. According to this list, the angels are; First heaven:Gabriel-second heaven:Raphael, Galizur, and Dalquiel-third heaven: Jabniel, Rabacyl, and Dalquiel-fourth heaven: Michael-fifth heaven:Samael-sixth heaven: Sandalphon, Zachiel, and Sabaoth-seventh heaven: Cassiel.

HECHALOTH-See Sefiroth;see also Merkabah Angels.

HEMAH-A most unpleasant angel who appeared in Jewish lore. Ranked as a truly feared angel of wrath. Hemah was said to be made from chains of red-and-black fire and was, like his equally intemperate brother Af.

HERALD ANGEL-A colorful name given to certain angels who serve as triumphant announcers or declarers of some mighty event. By far the most famous historical moment of the herald angels came one night in Bethlehem when they proclaimed the birth of Jesus.

HOCHMEL-Also Hochmael, an angel whose name means "the wisdom of God." He is best known from medieval legend for supposedly inspiring the infamous Grimoire of Pope Honorius III, an utterly falsely attributed book of magic to Honorius III(r.1216-1227), a supposed sorcerer of considerable prowess.

HOLY IMMORTALS-See Amesha Spentas.

HURIS-A type of female angelic being found in Islamic lore. They reside in paradise and exist to offer pleasure to those who have merited eternal bliss while on earth. Each new person arriving in the Islamic heaven is given seventy-two huris who fulfill his every want or desire. The huris, meanwhile, is rewarded in this union by becoming a virgin after each night's enjoyment. The legends of the huris are distinctly nontraditional in comparison with the other tales related about angels and angelic beings, the most radical difference being the sexual component, largely absent in other angelic accounts. The acknowledged head of the huris in some sources is the angel Kalka'il. The spirits were said to be dark eyed and stunningly lovely.

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