
BiNet USA: find Bisexual, Fluid, Pansexual, Queer-identified & Bi-Friendly Communities in the USA

BiNet USA offers the Bisexual Community and our Friends and Allies several ways to keep in touch.

To have access to the bulk of the announcements, discussions and news in the Bisexual, Fluid, Pansexual and Queer-identified Community in America, joining our ListServ on Yahoo is a must. It is completely private, discrete and very family friendly (sorry, people looking for a swinging scene should check the dating sites, etc.).

Communication is via emails (individual or daily digest as you wish) or you can just log in. And the level of participation is totally up to you. You can lurk or chat as the spirit moves you.

If you are you are in a leadership position in the bisexual/pansexual/fluid communities either in-person or on-line please join:
  • Local Bi Group Leaders Yahoo Group
  • Bi Leadership Alliance on Facebook