Haywood County Schools Brownsville Tennessee
The Haywood High School Class of 2010 had five
valedictorians: (from left) Fabiola Calderon, Alex Primrose,
Blace Correa, Audrey Pattat and Jordan Burroughts.
Completing the Top Ten are (from left) Lauren Perry, Nick Bostic,
Sabrina Saveh, Quincey Halliburton and Andrew Pearson.
Haywood High School Class of 2010
Graduation Exercises, May 24, 2010
Top Ten
The following Distinguished Scholar students are the Top Ten in
the senior class: tied as Valedictorians are Fabiola Calderon,
Alex Primrose, Black Correa, Audrey Pattat and Jordan Burroughs,
each having maintained a 4.0 GPA during their four years in high
school. Tied at second place are Lauren Perry and Nick Bostic.
Next are Sabrina Saveh, Quincey Halliburton and Andrew Pearson.
Joe T. Naylor Award
Andrew Pearson received the Joe T. Naylor Award for having an
ACT composite score of 30. This award is given to the boy in the
senior class with the highest ACT score.
Ed Thompson Award
Audrey Pattat received the Ed Thompson Award for having an ACT
composite score of 31. This award is given to the girl in the
senior class with the highest ACT score.
Outstanding Career-Technical Scholar Award
Chris Rich received the Outstanding Career-Technical Scholar
Award. The recipient of this award was chosen by the Career and
Technical teaching staff and administration chose the recipient
DAR Good Citizenship Award
Alex Galbraith is the recipient of the DAR Good Citizenship
Perfect Attendance Recognition
Two students in this graduating class have maintained perfect
attendance for the entire four years of high school: Violet
Chavez and Kendra Jones.
Tri-Athlete Award
The Tri-Athlete Award is unique to Haywood High School. In order
to receive this award, an athlete must letter in at least three
different sports in his or her high school career. Two HHS
seniors, Harold Watson and Tiffany King, received this award.
Regimental Support Squadron - 278th Armored Cavalry Regiment
HHS Senior Bianca Coles mother, Captain Angela Minor, is
stationed in Iraq serving in Operation Iraqi Freedom. In honor
of Bianca, the Regimental Support Squadron, 278th Armored
Cavalry Regiment, has sent a flag, which was flown over the
Garrison Command Headquarters, Camp Taji, Iraq, and over the
United States Capitol. Major Delois Dailey of the HHS JROTC
presented this flag to Bianca.
Recognition of Seniors Entering Military Service
Meshara Williams is joining the United States Army, and Sgt.
Latoya Mitchell presented Meshara a check representing the value
of her military education.
Army Scholar Athlete Awards
Harold Watson and Raven Hurdle, were recipients of the Army
Scholar Athlete award.
Tennessee Scholars
The Tennessee Scholars program is a business-led initiative
endorsed by the Tennessee Department of Education, the Tennessee
Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Tennessee Business
Roundtable, and many other education coalitions across the
state. To become Tennessee Scholars, students must complete a
rigorous academic and technical course of study that exceeds the
minimum requirements for a diploma. Additionally, they must meet
other criteria including at least 40 hours of community service.
It speaks well of Haywood High School and of our senior class
that 26 of our graduates meet all the requirements for Tennessee
Scholar status: Monica Austin, Nick Bostic, Jordan Burroughs,
Jarvis Bynum, Fabiola Calderon, LaKeithia Caldwell, Violet
Chavez, Bianca Cole, Becca Davis, Destinee Douglas, Alex
Galbraith, Quentin Halliburton, Quincey Halliburton, Raven
Hurdle, Kendra Jones, Mickey Nixon, Andrew Pearson, Lauren
Perry, Brittany Pickens, Alex Primrose, Sabrina Saveh, Anna
Scott, Kirstie Shutes, Mitchell Turner, Ana Waller and Jonathon
College and University Scholarships -- $923,820 (4 years)
The following students have received scholarships from colleges
and universities:
LaKeithia Caldwell - Academic Scholarship, University of
Tennessee at Chattanooga, $4,500 per year for 4 years = $18,000
Kendra Jones - Athletic Scholarship (Basketball), Columbia State
Community College, $5,000 per year for 2 years = $10,000
Nick Bostic - Founders Academic Scholarship, Houston Baptist
University, $14,000 per year for 4 years = $56,000
Bianca Cole - Academic Scholarship, University of Memphis,
$15,550 per year for 4 years = $62,200
Harold Watson - Academic Scholarship, Tennessee State
University, $2,000 per year for 4 years = $8,000; Athletic
Scholarship, Tennessee State University, $3,000 per year for 4
years = $12,000
Total = $20,000
Jonathon Watson -Academic Merit Scholarship, Xavier University,
$16,100 per year for 4 years = $64,400, Chemistry Department
Scholarship, Xavier University, $5,000 per year for 4 years =
$20,000, Total = $84,400
Monica Austin - Academic Scholarship, Union University, $26,500
per year for 4 years = $104,000, Leadership Scholarship, Union
University, $3,500 per year for 4 years = $14,000
Total = $118,000
Alex Primrose - Presidential Scholarship (Academic), Austin Peay
State University, $5,000 per year for 4 years = $20,000,
Presidents Emerging Leaders Scholarship, Austin Peay State
$3,000 per year for 4 years = $12,000, Total = $32,000
Arielle Kinnon - First Year Scholars Award, Tennessee State
University, $2,000 for 1 year = $2,000
Lauren Perry - Presidents Academic Honor Scholarship, Bethel
University, $6,000 per year for 4 years = $24,000; Renaissance
Theatre Scholarship, Bethel University, $8,000 per year for 4
years = $32,000; Total = $56,000
Becca Davis - Provost Academic Scholarship, Middle Tennessee
State University, $2,000 per year for 4 years = $8,000
Alex Galbraith - Advantage Academic Scholarship, University of
Memphis, $4,000 per year for 4 years = $16,000
Jasmine Springfield - Directors Academic Scholarship, Lambuth
University, $4,000 per year for 4 years = $16,000
Tiffany King - Athletic Scholarship, Martin Methodist College,
$10,000 per year for 4 years = $40,000; Academic Scholarship -
Martin Methodist College, $750 per year for 1 years = $750,
Total = $40,750
Crystal Cole - First Year Scholars Award, Tennessee State
University, $2,000 per year for 1 year = $2,000
Sabrina Saveh - Presidents Honor Scholarship, Bethel
University, $6,000 per year for 4 years = $24,000; Renaissance
Theatre Scholarship, Bethel University, $1,410 per year for 4
years = $5,640
Total = $29,640
Demarcus Douglas - Academic Scholarship, Cumberland University,
$5,000 per year for 4 years = $20,000; Athletic Scholarship,
Cumberland University, $5,000 per year for 4 years = $20,000,
Total = $40,000
Lauren Reed - Taylor Leadership Scholarship, Girl Scouts Heart
of the South West, $2,000 per year for 4 years = $8,000
Fabiola Calderon - Leadership Scholarship, Union University,
Kimberly Turner - Academic High Achiever Scholarship, Tennessee
State University, $20,000 per year for 4 years = $80,000
Jordan Burroughs - Provost Academic Scholarship, University of
Tennessee at Chattanooga, $3,000 per year for 4 years = $12,000
Andrew Pearson - Academic and Leadership Scholarships, Union
University, $8,000 per year for 4 years = $32,000
Patricia Rains - Freshman Academic Excellence Scholarship,
Mississippi State University, $1,000;
Academic Scholarship - Mississippi State University, $8,620 per
year for 4 years = $34,480; First Presbyterian Science Scholars
Scholarship, $6,000 per year for 4 years = $24,000, Total =
Mickey Nixon - Band Scholarship, Jackson State University,
$18,000 per year for 4 years = $72,000
Howard Lewis - Band Scholarship, Tennessee State University,
$1,200 per year for 4 years = $4,800
Lononell Okoye Rogers - First Year Scholarship - Tennessee State
University, $2,000
Destinee R. Douglas - Academic Scholarships, Middle Tennessee
State University, $7,500 per year for 4 years = $30,000
HOPE Scholarships -- $252,500 ($1,010,000 over 4 years)
The State of Tennessee provides HOPE Scholarships for students
who meet certain academic requirements and who will continue
their education at a postsecondary school in Tennessee. The
following 60 seniors meet those academic criteria and are
eligible for scholarships ranging from $2,000 to $5,500 per
year, pending approval from the Tennessee Student Assistance
Heather Anderson, Monica Austin, Jasmine Blue, Tevin Booker,
Nick Bostic, Shaniqua Boyd, Sarrisa Bull, Jordan Burroughs,
Jarvis Bynum, Fabiola Calderon, LaKeithia Caldwell, Violet
Chavez, Bianca Cole, Brian Currie, Becca Davis, Lashasta Davis,
Taylor Dedmon, Demarcus Douglas, Destinee Douglas, Danielle
Elrod, Sarah Foster, Courtney Freels, Alex Galbraith, Quincey
Halliburton, Deonius Hines, Tiara Holloway, Katie Hopper, Raven
Hurdle, Cameo Jones, Giavante Jones, Kiara Jones, Colton Keen,
Arielle Kinnon, Kiara Kirkman, Howard Lewis, Jessica Lewis, Seth
Mothershead, Mickey Nixon, Audrey Pattat, Andrew Pearson, Lauren
Perry, Brittany Pickens, Melissa Powell, Alex Primrose, Richard
Rains, Chris Rich, Sabrina Saveh, Anna Scott, Eric Sellari,
Jazmyne Singleton, Jasmine Springfield, Kendra Turner, Kimberly
Turner, Mitchell Turner, Deidria Tyus, Shaterica Tyus, Keith
Walker, Ana Waller, Harold Watson and Sarah Webb.
Students who have an ACT score of 29 or higher and who have a grade-point average of 3.75 or higher qualify for the General Assembly Merit Scholarship in addition to the HOPE Scholarship. three HHS graduates Alex Primrose, Andrew Pearson, and Audrey Pattat meet these qualifications and will receive General Assembly Merit Scholarship, pending approval from the Tennessee Student Assistance Corporation.
Local Scholarships - $95,350
1. The Brownsville Rotary Club Scholarship - $1,000 awarded to
Kiara Kirkman
2. INSOUTH Bank Community Scholarship - $2,000 awarded to Anna Scott
3. Dunbar Haywood County Training School / Carver High School Alumni Association, Haywood County Chapter Scholarship - $500 each (2 scholarships) awarded to Destinee Douglas and Keith A. Walker
4. The C. A. Rawls Memorial Scholarship - $1,000 - awarded to Kendra Turner
5. Fair Lily Chapter No. 35, Order of the Eastern Star Scholarship - $250 awarded to Miracle Lewis
6. The Pearl Qualls Memorial Scholarships - Given by the Milwaukee Chapter, Dunbar- Haywood County Training/Carver High School Alumni Association - $500 each (2 scholarships) - Awarded to Jonathon Watson and LaKeithia Caldwell
7. The Mann Scholarships - $2,000 -- $500 per semester for 2 years (2 scholarships) awarded to Patricia Rains and Becca Davis
8. Trooper John Gregory Mann Memorial Scholarship - $300 each (2 scholarships) awarded to Howard Lewis and Phillip Love
9. The Ervin Scholarships (Given by Jere Mann Ervin) (4
Bergie E. Ervin Memorial Scholarship - $2,500 awarded to Lauren
Nell Mann Ervin Memorial Scholarship - $2,500 awarded to Jordan Burroughs
Florence Ervin Dickinson Williams Memorial Scholarship - $2,500 awarded to Lashasta Davis
Bergie E. Ervin, Jr., Memorial Scholarship - $2,500 awarded to Chris Rich
10. Brownsville-Haywood County Arts Council Scholarship - $1,000 awarded to Brittany Renee Pickens
11. Tennessee State University Alumni Association Scholarship - $500 awarded to Harold Watson
12. The Sam Walton Community Scholarships - $3,000 each (2 scholarships) awarded to Fabiola Calderon and LaKeithia Caldwell
13. The Elizabeth R. Norris Memorial Scholarship - $1,500 awarded to Bianca Cole
14. The Ed Worsham Lodge Masonic Scholarship, Given in Memory of
Judge Dixon Hood
$1,000 awarded to Teresa Covington
15. Clay Evans Scholarships - $1,000 each (2 scholarships) awarded to Melissa Powell and Ashley Byars
16. Marvin Taylor Memorial Scholarship - $2,000 awarded to Seth Mothershead
17. Alita A. Watkins Memorial Scholarship - $1,000 awarded to LaKethia Caldwell
18. First South Bank Scholarship - $1,100 for the 11th Distinguished Scholar awarded to Alex Galbraith
19. First United Methodist Church James Sumner Sharpe Memorial Scholarship- $500 each (5 scholarships) awarded to Jordan Burroughs, Fabiola Calderon, Audrey Pattat, Andrew Pearson, and Alex Primrose
20. The Tennessee Academy Foundation Scholarship - $1,000 awarded to Andrew Pearson
21. Tenth Review Club Scholarships - $200 awarded to Trey Lonon and Anna Overton
22. Hickory Grove M. B. Church Scholarship - $750 Awarded to Tiara Holloway
23. Wayne Smith Memorial Scholarship - $500 each (2 scholarships) awarded to Seth Mothershead and Colton Keen
24. Good Hope Baptist Church Scholarships - $300 each (2 scholarships) awarded to Kimberly Turner and Curtis Jones
25. Sidney Sternberger Memorial Scholarship - $1,500 awarded to Mickey Nixon
26. The Haywood County Education Association Scholarship - $500 awarded to Brittany Pickens
27. Faith Deliverance Church Scholarship - $1,000 awarded to Monica Austin
28. Gladys Evans Jones Scholarship - $1,000 awarded to Okoye Rogers
29. Catherine T. Colhoun Memorial Trust Scholarships - $2,000
each (6 scholarships)
awarded to Ashley Byars, Lauren Thomas, Sabrina Saveh, Nick
Bostic, Violet Chavez, and Jonathon Watson
30. Nola Walker-Bond Scholarships - $500 each (2 scholarships) awarded to Arielle Kinnon and MyQuesha Taylor
31. Robert E. Allison Humanitarian Scholarship - $500 each (2 scholarships) awarded to Teresa Covington and Mitchell Turner, Jr.
32. Bond-Walker Nashville Reunion Scholarship - $500 awarded to Lonnell Okoye Rogers
33. The Dailey and Minnie Walker Memorial Scholarship - $500 awarded to Jazmyne Singleton
34. The Meux Family Scholarship- $2,000 ($500 per semester for 2 years) awarded to Audrey Pattat
35. Dunbar-Haywood County Training/Carver High School Alumni Association, National Chapter, Scholarship - $4,000 awarded to LaKeithia Caldwell
36. Willie James Memorial Scholarship - $1,000 awarded to Deonius Hines
37. Memrie H. Butler Memorial Scholarship - $1,000 awarded to Danielle Elrod
38. Haywood County Chapter, Tennessee School Nutrition
Association Scholarship
$250 awarded to Larita Blair
39. Brownsville Exchange Club Scholarship - $1,000 awarded to Lauren Thomas
40. INSOUTH Bank Leadership Class Scholarship - $250 each (10
awarded to Jordan Burroughs, Fabiola Calderon, Taylor Dedmon,
Alex Galbraith, Quincey Halliburton, Audrey Pattat, Andrew
Pearson, Lauren Perry, Alex Primrose, and Harold Watson
41. Willow Grove Baptist Church Scholarships - $500 awarded to Kiara Kirkman
42. The Coburn Scholarships - (Given in Memory of Mr. E. B. Coburn) $1,000 each (2 scholarships) awarded to Alex Primrose and Kimberly Turner; $500 Awarded to Jarvis Bynum
43. Haywood County Achievement Scholarship - $750 each (2 scholarships) awarded to Richard Rains and Eric Sellari $500 each (3 scholarships) awarded to Sarah Webb, Lauren Reed, and Ana Waller
44. The Joe and Evelyn Naylor Memorial Scholarship - $1,200 awarded to Raven Hurdle
45. Luther Garrett/Hillville Community Memorial Scholarship - $500 awarded to Jessica Lewis
46. Dollar General Academic Decathlon Achievement Scholarship $1,000 each (2 scholarships) awarded to Blace Correa and Audrey Pattat $400 each (2 scholarships) awarded to Nick Bostic and Andrew Pearson
47. Marla Angotti Memorial Scholarship - $1,000 awarded to Taylor Dedmon
48. Margaret Ann Welch Memorial Scholarship - $1,000 awarded to Violet Chavez
49. Tony Delk Scholarship - $500 awarded to Kendra Jones
50. Farmer Chapel C. M. E. Church Maude E. Rawls Scholarship $1,000 awarded to Kendra Jones
51. Douglass Chapel C. M. E. Church Scholarship - $1,000 awarded to Harold Watson
52. Jesse James Cannon, Sr., Perseverance Scholarship - $500 awarded to Fabiola Calderon
53. Haywood County Lane College Alumni Association Scholarship - $500 awarded to Lashanda Tyus
54. Jim Batchelor Memorial Scholarship - $400 awarded to Raven Hurdle
55. Trinity United Methodist Church Scholarship - $1,000 awarded to Jordan Burroughs
56. Tennessee Valley Authority Scholarship - $4,000 awarded to Quincey Halliburton
Haywood High School Principal Robert Mitchell told the graduates, If you keep your grades up and remain eligible to renew your college and lottery scholarships for four years, the Class of 2010 will leave here tonight with a combined total of $2,029,170 to help further their education over the next 4 years.
HHS Class of 2010 Girls
April Janay Adams
Naomi Jeanette Adams
Heather Nicole Anderson
Monica Renee Austin
Jana Rayshel Barken
Gwendolyn Denay Berry
La'Rita Michelle Blair
Jasmine Shardae Blue
Kierra Darian Bond
Shaniqua Samon Boyd
Sarrisa De-anne Bull
Jordan Nicole Burroughs
Ashley LaDawn Byars
Fabiola Calderon
La'Keithia Shardae Caldwell
Ashley Nicole Chapman
Violeta Chavez
Bianca Ashley Cole
Crystal Michelle Cole
Jessica Denise Comage
Teresa Lynn Covington
Ashley Lavelle Cunningham
Aubrey Rebecca Davis
LaShasta Rena Davis
Destinee Renee Douglas
Latangela Shanice Douglas
Marquetta Lashell Douglas
Danielle Nicole Elrod
Brittany Louise Fish
Sarah Elizabeth Foster
Courtney Leigh Freels
Jessica Lynn Gammell
Kaswayla Santarica Gayden
Marisol Gonzalez
Anne-Marie Grimes
Quincey Michelle Halliburton
Alees Monique Hammond
Shamickia Lashia Haymon
Lyndrella Anjenette Hill
Lakeshia Renea Hines
Dameshia Dachay Holloway
Tiara Yvette Holloway
Katie Lynn Hopper
Desiree Hunt
Raven Sherelle Hurdle
Nicole Denise Jenkins
Enjoli Jasmine Jennings
Cameo Lasha Jones
Giavante' Jones
Kendra Michelle Jones
Kiara Charnea Jones
Tiffany Shanta King
Arielle Enchante' Kinnon
Kiara Lanette Kirkman
Jessica Paige Lewis
Miracle Matrice Lewis
Nhaja Rashad Maclin
Kayla Leigh Mathias
Christine Charolette McBride
Zanzerica Antinina Milan
Sharell Laquita Miller
Ashley Dontrece Montgomery
Santia LaShun Austin Moore
Shante' Renea Moore
Adrianna Lashay Murphy
Sharmaine Laneka Murrell
Jalisa Da'Shawn Nixon
Anna Elizabeth Overton
Audrey Nicole Pattat
Lauren Elizabeth Perry
Lauren Elizabeth Perry
Brittany Renee' Pickens
Melissa Sue Powell
Alexandrea Hope Primrose
Naomi Lucille Annalisa Proulx
Megan Gabrielle Ragland
Karesha Ragland-Hill
Patricia Ann Rains
Cassandra Faith Reed
Lauren Camill Reed
Kaleshia Renee Rice
Shantea Renee Richardson
Ver'Reika Nan'Shea Richmond
Iman Shawnta Rogers
Tiffany Louise Rose
Sabrina Saveh
Anna Cathryn Scott
LeAndrea Vonsha Scott
Kirstie Briyanna Shutes
Brittany Michele Siler
Jazmyne Antwinique Singleton
Jasmine Katrice Springfield
Tessa Lynn Stephens
MyQuesha La'Shaun Taylor
Lauren Elise Thomas
Jessica Qualls Treadway
Melvenia Charece Trotter
Kendra Nicole Turner
Kimberly Michelle Turner
Tirsheika Turner
Deidria Shonte' Tyus
Kendra Keirra Tyus
Lashanda Denise Tyus
Shaterica Shontay Tyus
Lakesha Mahalia Vaughn
Tiera Dominque Walker
Ana Marissa Waller
Emily Ann Watt
Sarah Renee Webb
Sharon Elizabeth White
Meshara Shardae Williams
Santara Montrice Williams
Jessica Lashelle Williamson
Laquita Beonka Wilson
Shanavian Sherrese Woodland
Toni Vonshay Worrles
Yoana Rodriguez Zuniga
HHS Class of 2010 Boys
C.J. Austin
Johnny Ja'Vonte Bell Jr.
Ricky Glynn Benard
Daimontarius M. Bobbitt
Tevin Devon Booker
Nickalus Edward Bostic
Floyd Boyd
Freddie Leon Brown, Jr.
Jarvis Jerrel Bynum
Travis Lee Bynum
Maurice Bynum, Jr.
Quincey Dontavious Caldwell
Keith Scott Campbell
Jesus Castro
Blace Lawrence Correa
Brian Arkeith Currie
Rory Taylor Dedmon
Demarcus Mardell Douglas
Jonathan Douglas
Tamarius Ray Evans
Jarvis Jaquel Folks
Alex Evan Galbraith
Jarvis Cornez Gause
James Anthony Gavin, Jr.
Nickolas Lind Gibb
Jacques Willie Gleason
Jimmy Wayne Greenway
Jermaine Gunn
Quentin Michael Halliburton
Akeem A. Hardin
Deonius Marcel Hines
Jarvis Antwan Hines
Anthony Michael House
Xavier Jackson
Mical Jewan Jefferson
David Leon Jenkins, Jr.
Jermaine Jeter
Brandon Terrell Johnson
Michael Cornelius Johnson
Bronston Raisean Jones
Curtis Jones
Devaughn Kevin Jones
Michael Colton Keen
Andrew Martez Leavy
Howard Antonio Lewis
Martrell Jerome Liggons
John Ware Lonon
Travis Glenn Lonon, III
Phillip Darnell Love
Michael Anthony Montgomery, Jr.
LaBradford Jamal Morton
Sedrick Darrell Morton
Jeffrey Seth Mothershead
Mickey Malcolm Nixon
Andrew Wilder Pearson
Andrew Lee Perry, IV
Christopher Adam Phillips
Norvell Pickens
Dominique Tyler Pinkney
Ernest Allen Powell, Jr.
Tyler Lee Quarles
Richard Jonathan Rains
Quenta Cortez Reed
Christopher Steven Rich
Charlie James Robertson, Jr.
Jose Angel Rodriguez
Lonnell Okoye Rogers
Kevin Sandoval
Jarvell Demar Scott
Eric Hunter Sellari
Clifton Aaron Smith
Mark Anthony Snipes, Jr.
Jarrius Latrell Starks
James Cole Stevens
Martavis Deonta Sturdivant
Tevin Darnell Sweet
Phillip Andrews Taylor
Edward Terrell Taylor, Jr.
Khiry Cortez Turner
Mitchell Turner, Jr.
Derius Jermain Tyus
Keith Atticus Walker
Dennis Watkins
Jerius MaQuelle Watkins
Harold Litiskas Watson
Jonathon Dewayne Watson
Patrick Terran Wheeler
Eric White
Jatwon Marcellius White
INSOUTH Bank treats local teachers
Representatives from INSOUTH Bank made the rounds in early May to
all the countys schools delivering a sweet treat for all the
teachers, in honor of Teacher Appreciation Month. The teachers
and administrators at Anderson, Haywood Elementary, East Side,
Sunny Hill, Haywood Junior High, Haywood High, the Alternative
Learning Center and at the Central office enjoyed delicious
carrot cakes, baked just for the wonderful job they do. The
teachers say, Thank you, INSOUTH! Delivering the cakes from
INSOUTH were Alan Callery, JoAnne Finn, Tim Stokely and Brenda
HHS Boys Soccer ends winning season
The Haywood High School soccer team finished the season in late
May, losing to Dyerburg 4-1 in the Regional Semifinal. They
started off the post season strongly, winning the opening round
of the tournament with a 10-0 win over Gibson County. In that
game nine different players scored goals. Then, they defeated
Trenton Peabody 3-1 in the quarterfinal matchup, before the loss
to Dyersburg. Their record for the season was 6-8-4. Their
non-district schedule was very challenging this season, going up
against a few Nashville teams, along with some AAA teams, and
private schools. Their district record for the season was 5-1-3,
where they were tied for 2nd place with Crockett County. Three
players were named to the All-District Team: senior Nick Bostic,
junior Willis Hardaway, and sophomore Gerson Castro. Three other
individuals were selected to the All-tournament team: junior
David Castro, and sophomores Juan Arevalos and
Oscar Castro.
Awards go to Academic All-Stars
Six athletes were recognized at the Spring Athletic Awards Program for their academic success. Named Academic All-Stars were Harold Watson, Tye Gibbs, Raven Hurdle, Destinee Douglas, Khiry Turner and Kiera Kirkman.
Moore Insurance Awards HHS Basketball players
Brett Stoots, representing Moore Insurance, presented basketballs
to five HHS basketball players for being Players of the Month:
Harold Watson, Jamarcus Comage, Khiry Turner, Tiffany King and
Chelsea Owens. Kendra Jones also received a basketball for being
Player of the Year.
HHS Varsity Basketball Team earn recognition
Members of the Haywood High School Varsity Basketball Team received recognition for their work on the court this year at the Spring Sports Awards. Winning awards were: Jamarcus Comage Leading Scorer (422 points) and 2nd Leading Assist; Maurice Byrum Best 3-Point Scorer and Best Shooting (75.2 percent), 2nd Leading Scorer (413 points) and Tri-MVP; Khiry Turner Leading Assist (103), Leading Steals (71) and Tri-MVP; Harold Watson Best Free-Throw Percentage (84.3) and Tri-MVP; Tyler Boyd Leading Shot Blocker (40) and Best Dunker; J. T. Shaw Leading Rebounder and Best Newcomer; Dewayne Turner Best Shooting Percentage (78) and Best All-Around; C. C. Comage Best Defense and Most Spirit; Tye Gibbs Doc Chapman Award; Boosie Tyus Sixth Man Award; Tim Moore Champ Award; and Okoye Rogers Most Dedicated. Coach for the Tomcats is Ray Jones, who is assisted by Coach Frank Chapman.
2009-2010 Haywood High School - Lady Tomcats Awards
Chelsey Owens - Best Team Academics Award - 3.23 and Best
Defensive Player
Jasmine Springfield - Best Senior Academics Award - 3.22
and Most Dedicated
Kendra M. Jones - Most Valuable Player - 14 points 4.8
rebounds 2.8 Steals and Leading Field Goal Percentage - 53
Jamie Shutes - Leading Free-throw Percentage- 65 percent,
Leading Assists and Leading 3-point Percentage- 42 percent
Shunte′ Sutherland - Most Improved
Alexis People - Doc 100% Hustle Award
Ida Parrish - Rookie of the year
Shaterica Tyus -Best All Around Player
Shanavian Woodland - Most Dedicated
Tiffany King and Chelsey Owens - Players of the
Kendra Jones - Player of the year
Coach is Zandra Jones.
HHS Boys Freshman Basketball players receive awards
Six Haywood High School freshman basketball players received recognition on May 14 in the HHS gymnasium when the students and faculty gathered for the Spring Sports Awards Banquet. Among those recognized were: Montravious Maclin Leading Scorer, Leading Rebounder and Most Valuable Player; Quintavious Caldwell Most Improved; Chevia Hughes, Best Free Throw Percentage and Leading Assist; Justin Batchelor Most Steals; Kendal Middlebrooks Best Defense; and Denatus Murphy Hustle Award and Most Blocks.
Five earn Tomcat softball awards
At the Spring Sports Athletic Awards Ceremony at Haywood High on
May 14, five players on the softball team received awards. Sarah
Lewis received an award for the highest batting average (450).
Aliceson Hobock was named Most Improved, and Leslie Smith
received the Golden Glove (defensive) Award. JeColoah Williams,
who made the first team, All-District, received the Most Hustle
Award. Courtney Lester was also All-District and All-Tournament
in District 13AA. Other team members are Keyuna Manns, Kaleigh
McCaslin, Kara Davis-Myers, Morgan Marlar, Maggie Herron, Katie
Lewis, Savannah Phillips, Taylor Killen and Rhonda Clark.
Coaches are Chanda Franks and Amanda Britt.
HHS Students earn HSTW awards
HHS students earning HSTW Awards of Educational Achievement are
Lakeithia Caldwell, Bianca Cole, Rory Dedmon, Demarcus Douglas,
Quincey Halliburton, Jeffrey Mothershead, Heather Anderson,
Fabiola Calderon, Lauren Perry, Eric Sellari, Nickalus Bostic,
Monica Austin, Alex Galbraith, Sabrina Saveh, Aubrey Davis,
Kiara Jones, Andrew Pearson, Anna Scott, Blace Correa,
Alexandrea Primrose and Chris Rich.
Twenty-one Haywood High School students recently received High Schools That Work Awards of Educational Achievement. This accomplishment signifies their readiness for employment and postsecondary studies. The award is a way to let businesses, industries, colleges and universities know that these students have demonstrated the potential to succeed by meeting academic readiness goals on the HSTW assessment; completing a rigorous academic course of study in at least two of the following subject areas: English/language arts, mathematics and science; and completing a concentration in a career/technical field, mathematics/science or the humanities.
The HSTW Awards are given to a select group of students who meet
these criteria at schools participating in HSTW and Technology
Centers That Work (TCTW). HSTW and TCTW are the nations largest
efforts to combine challenging academic courses and modern
career/technical studies to raise student achievement.
This has been a banner year at Haywood High School!
As is always the case, Haywood High School students make everyone proud and shine when it comes to achievement. Here are some of their shining moments and achievements this year:
Two Haywood High School students, Reeves Garrett and Seth Tillman, have been accepted to the 2010 Governors School program. Reeves will attend the Governors School for Humanities, and Seth will go to the Governors School for International Studies.
More than 85 students participated in the spring production of
Back to the 80s . . . The Totally Awesome Musical. Mrs.
Michelle Tillman was the director; Mrs. Allyson Byrum was the
assistant director; and Mrs. Melanie Dotson was the costume
designer. Student awards were presented to Clifton Smith (Best
Actor), Lindsey Yoder (Best Actress), Jay Clinton (Best
Supporting Actor), Lauren Perry (Best Supporting Actress),
Reeves Garrett (Breakout Performance), Becca Davis (Best Chorus
Member), Kaitlyn Schwarz (Most Dedicated), and Colton Keen and
Sabrina Saveh (MVP Crew).
The HHS Future Farmers of America (FFA) chapter had seven
students receive State FFA Degrees at the FFA State Convention
earlier this semester.
Two HHS students, Nathan Peace and Anna Baumheckel, won first-place honors at the TMTA Regional Math Contest at Dyersburg State Community College. Nathan placed first in PreCalculus, and Anna placed first in Statistics. Lauren Perry placed fifth in Statistics, and Audrey Pattat placed tenth in Calculus.
HHS won all individual awards at the District 2 Mock Trial Competition held in Jackson. Clifton Smith, Jay Clinton, Alex Galbraith, and Karla Cisneros won Best Witness and Best Attorney awards for both the Plaintiff and the Defense. HHS placed second in the competition, losing by one point. Mr. Eddie Keel is their sponsor.
The 2009-2010 INSOUTH Junior Bank Board members were Holland Aguayo, Anna Baumheckel, Logan Eubanks, D. J. Frederick, Corey Galbraith, Tevyn Greene, Martha Jane Jameson, Nathan Peace, Travis Richardson, Breanne Sills, Kierra Woods, and Lindsey Yoder.
Haywood High School instituted the 30+ Club this year for students who score 30 or better on the ACT. This years members are Breanne Sills (30), Nathan Peace (33), Anna Baumheckel (34), Andrew Pearson (30), Audrey Pattat (31), and Alex Primrose (30).
Mrs. Denita Jarratt and Mrs. Nekita Johnson took a group of FCCLA members to Washington, D.C., for the National FCCLA Cluster Meeting in November.
HHS science students had another successful Dauphin Island Sea Lab experience with 27 students participating in hands-on labs and activities in the areas of Oceanography, Marine Biology, Geology, and Ecology.
Eighty-three Biology Club members participated in the annual Campus Clean Up Day.
The HHS Golf Team placed third in the District and advanced to the Regional Tourney. Colton Keen was a medalist in the District as well as the Regional Tournament. Colton advanced to the State Championship competition at Old Fort Golf Club in Murfreesboro.
At the end of March, 177 senior English students in Miss Suzanna Martinezs and Mrs. Beth Criders classes participated in Mock Employment Interviews in the HHS Library. Interviews were conducted by 14 members of the community who were very complimentary of the students. Students prepared résumés and composed formal thank-you letters for their interviewers.
During the 2009-2010 term, Air Force Junior ROTC cadets have volunteers for 77 events to include Color Guard, Heritage Museum, Boys and Girls Club, Relay for Life, Freshman Orientation, Open House, Parent-Teacher Conferences, and March of Dimes. Together, they have completed 398 hours of community service.
The Haywood High Special Olympics Basketball Team won first in the Region 8 2010 Games and second place in the State Tournament in Nashville. They won first place in the State Tournament 2009 Games which awards them the opportunity to compete in the 2010 National Games in Lincoln, Nebraska, July 17-24. The 2010 team members are Julius Hughes, Xavier Robertson, Mark Michael, James Morgan, Kevin Jones, Quenta Reed, Shaquille Carter, and Floyd Boyd. Coaches are Ms. Chrystel Roach and Mr. Travis Morton.
The HHS Show Choir has been busy this year. They performed for HHS Open House in August and for the Hatchie Fall Festival in October. In November, they performed for the Veterans Day celebration on the Court Square, and in December, they performed Christmas music for the HHS student body as well as for residents at Sugar Creek Retirement Center and for shoppers in Jackson. They also performed at the HHS Academic Banquet after returning from competition in Myrtle Beech, South Carolina. They have been invited to perform in June for the Tennessee School Nutrition Association conference at the Cook Convention Center in Memphis. Their director is Mrs. Michelle Tillman.
Clifton Smith won the state finals of Poetry Out Loud which was held March 20 in Nashville. He competed against finalists from 41 other schools across the state. Clifton and his teacher/coach, Mr. Perry Burrows, won all-expense-paid trips to the national finals in Washington, D.C., April 25-27. Clifton also recited his poems for the Tennessee Arts Commission board meeting May 10.
Lindsey Yoder and Martha Jane Jameson have been chosen as delegates to the 2010 Volunteer Girls State program on the campus of Lipscomb University this summer. Anna Baumheckel and Kierra Woods were named alternates.
The 128-member French Club enjoyed several culinary treats this year. In the fall, a local chef and father of one of the club members, Gary Proulx, prepared some French delicacies such as cream puffs, crêpes with strawberries, basil puffs, and crostini with camembert cheese. In the spring, the club was visited by four chefs from a French restaurant, the CrêpeMaker, and students chose delicious entrée and dessert crêpes that were prepared on site. Some possibilities were raspberry chicken, pizza crêpes, and triple treat with Nutella, bananas, and strawberries. Needless to say, a bon temps was enjoyed by all! Mrs. Gail Chapman is the French Club sponsor.
At the Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) Conference in Chattanooga in April, Jonathon Watson placed fourth in Sports Management, and Kierra Woods was installed as a member of the State FBLA Officer Team. Kierra will serve as Region 1 President.
Haywood High had two Academic Decathlon teams this year. In regional competition, the Purple Team received a third-place trophy overall and placed third in the Super Quiz event. Both the Purple Team and the White Team advanced to state competition with 26 medals and two plaques for individual scorers. At state competition, the Purple Team placed third, and the White Team placed seventh. HHS students won 22 medals, one plaque, four scholarships, and one trophy. HHS students won awards in nine of the ten categories of competition.
The HHS Girls Tennis Team won district competition.
Haywood High School teachers have been busy this year, too. Mrs. Linda Baxter completed the two-year Teacher Excellence Program in Physics, and Mr. Jimmy Goodman, Mr. Eddie Keel, Mrs. Gay Thomas, and Ms. Yolanda Weddle finished the Teacher Excellence Program in Mathematics. These teachers attended workshops at Oak Ridge National Laboratory and the University of Memphis. The program was coordinated through the Tennessee Mathematics, Science, and Technology Education Center.
Mr. Eddie Keel finished a three-year TI-Nspire Teacher Leader Cadre program. Through this program, he received over $9,000 in TI-Nspire handheld calculators and TI-Nspire Navigators. Mr. Keel is currently the President of the Tennessee Mathematics Teachers Association (TMTA), and has served on several state committees related to math education. He will serve as the Lead Trainer for this summers state math standards workshops.
Mrs. Gail Chapman was chosen HHS Teacher of the Year for 2009-2010.