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Dummy is a romantic comedy written and directed by Greg Pritikin and released in 2002. Steven (Adrien Brody) is a geeky, awkward clerk who loses his job because of his non-existent people skills. Now unemployed and living with his domineering parents, Steven knows that he has to take drastic action if he ever wants to live as an independent adult. During a meeting with his unemployment counselor Lorena (Vera Farmiga), Steven decides to become a professional ventriloquist. He discovers that he is able to communicate much more effectively when he has his dummy speak for him, and spends hours practicing routines in front of a mirror. Awkward at first, Steven gradually transforms into a seasoned stage performer. The unnamed dummy soon becomes much more than a puppet; it becomes Steven's friend and the voice of his consciousness. The budding ventriloquist realizes that following his dummy's advice is the only way for him to individualize from his parents and achieve true happiness.moreless
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