Self-Help Guide to Rebroadcasting <meta name=
Self-help gives communities the opportunity to provide their own equipment to rebroadcast ABC TV and radio programs. With Self-help, communities may apply for a licence to operate their own rebroadcasting transmitter or community cable system to improve reception of ABC TV and Radio services.
Self-help is for communities which do not receive adequate TV or radio broadcasts. Reception difficulties can occur when a community is situated too far from a transmitter, or is shielded from broadcast signals by obstacles such as hills or mountains. Residents in highly populated areas may also experience reception problems due to signals being blocked by tall buildings or electrical interference.
It is not always possible for the ABC to provide rebroadcasting facilities for remote areas or reception black spots. By providing their own low power rebroadcasting transmitter or cable system, communities reduce the need for individual households to install large expensive antenna systems.
By funding the establishment of their own rebroadcasting facilities, communities can obtain improved reception at a reasonable cost. There are now over 430 Self-help facilities throughout Australia rebroadcasting ABC TV and Radio programs.
Choice of Stations
The ABC and SBS have granted general approval for the ACMA to authorise rebroadcast of their TV and radio services via Self-help facilities anywhere in Australia.
Communities are also permitted to rebroadcast commercial and community radio and TV services which are located within their broadcast licence area. However permission must first be obtained from the individual TV or radio station licensees.
Integrity of Services
The ABC permits the rebroadcast of TV and radio programs on the understanding that copyright is not infringed. Therefore:
All ABC TV and Radio broadcasts must be retransmitted in full and in real time.
Programming must not be delayed or interrupted to allow local community program inserts.
No financial gain is to be made from the retransmission of ABC services.