Ed Case Announces Run For Senate
Politician Lost Bid For Seat Against Out-Going Sen. Akaka
POSTED: 12:56 pm HST April 10, 2011
UPDATED: 7:12 am HST April 11, 2011
Former U.S. Rep. Ed Case on Sunday announced his decision to run for the U.S. Senate.
Sen. Daniel Akaka said last month he would not seek re-election in 2012.
Case lost his bid to unseat Akaka in 2006. Since then, Case has not held office.
"I'm running for the Senate because I believe we can and must do better, and that our Hawaii offers a better way forward for our country," Case said in his announcement statement.
Case's most recent bid for office was in 2010 when he lost in a special election for Neil Abercrombie's seat in Congress to Republican Charles Djou. Abercrombie had stepped down to focus on his run for governor, which he eventually won.
Case bowed out of the primary election to clear the way for fellow Democrat Rep. Colleen Hanabusa to win the seat.
A number of possible contenders include fellow Democrats Hanabusa, Rep. Mazie Hirono and former Honolulu Mayor Mufi Hannemann and Republicans former Gov. Linda Lingle, Lt. Gov. Duke Aiona and Djou.
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