
Love and Money by Dennis Kelly, Keble O'Reilly, 24-27 November - Love and Money

Love and Money
Keble O'Reilly, Oxford
7th Week, MT
24th-27th November

Love and Money, written by Dennis Kelly, award-winning author of 
BBC 3's “Pulling” and the RSC's “Matilda, a Musical” is coming to
Oxford University's Keble O’Reilly, from the 24th-27th November.

Directed by Christopher Adams and Hannah Roberts, Love and Money
promises to be one of the theatrical highlights of the term.
Written in 2006 at
the height of the credit bubble, this funny but heart-wrenching play delves into a
couple’s world of bad debts and worse desires. See here for more about the play.

In the midst of the recession, Love and Money becomes even more relevant.

That’s why we’re giving half of the profit we make to the Oxford
Gatehouse, which helps the homeless of Oxford, those hit
most by the themes that Love and Money explores.
We’re also holding events, with all of the proceeds
from the charity auction going to the Gatehouse.

We've also teamed up with the University to deliver
tours of Oxford colleges and informal talks
with current
students, to any schools coming to see the play.

With a fantastic cast and talented production team,
Love and Money at Oxford's Keble O’Reilly will also make use of
beautifully shot film by Robert Rapoport, winner of the Varsity Film Festival 2010.

Book your ticket online and be entered into our prize draw, whether you want
to sit of on the side of Love or Money.  You can also get into
Supermarket @ Babylove in 7th for only £3 if you
bookyour ticket online before Thursday 9pm.

With Love,
Cutting the Edge Productions