
SEGA Blog | Sonic the Hedgehog PC Digital Download Extravaganza

We’ve got 3 exciting Sonic the Hedgehog adventures available for the PC digital download market today!

A few awesome pieces of news for you: first and foremost, Sonic CD has arrived on the PC, for sale now on PC digital download stores! Ushering in this arrival is a special Steam deal: buy Sonic CD and get unique costumes for SEGA and Three Rings’ multiplayer adventure, Spiral Knights!

And! If that wasn’t enough, we do have more: Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Episode I is now also on PC digital download … along with brand-new DLC for Sonic Generations, the fabulous flipper-fingered fun of Casino Night Zone, inspired by Sonic 2.

That was the short version … check below for some choice additional details!

Sonic CD

Sonic CD

We promised you it was on the way, and here it is!

Bringing back the 1993 classic, Sonic CD brought the blue guy to the Sega CD/Mega Drive back in 1993. A beloved and celebrated game playing with all the elements that helped make the original two Sonic games so much fun, Sonic CD wasn’t just a CD version of the original game, but a whole new story set to great levels (with terrific music, naturally). There isn’t much more to say — check out this great game for yourself!

Sonic on Spiral Knights!

To be more accurate, it’s Tails and Metal Sonic in Spiral Knights … Available for a limited time!

Spiral Knights is a Three Rings developed / SEGA published free-to-play adventure … while I could say much, much more about the game, let’s cut to the chase — These items and offer are currently available only until February 1st, so act soon!

Here’s what you can get and how you can get it:

  • ‘Metal Sonic’ costume: inspired by Metal Sonic, this outfit is available for FREE, for a limited time, with any purchase of Sonic CD over Steam. Also available with an energy purchase in-game! This costume item can be worn over your regular, functional armor.
  • ‘Tails’ tails accessory: Who doesn’t want two adorable tails trailing them wherever they go? Show your Foxy pride with this bushy extension — attaches & binds to an existing piece of armor, yours forever and ever! Available in-game in Spiral Knights with an energy purchase — see in-game for details! (Please note that due to certain aerodynamic properties — or lack thereof — of Knights, the Tails accessory will not enable you to actually fly. If you must attempt to fly, please, try taking off from the ground first!)



Also: Here’s a sneak-preview video of the models for the outfit and accessory, as well as a quick look at what the Metal Sonic outfit looks like in-game!

YouTube Preview Image

Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Episode I and Sonic Generations DLC

Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Episode I

Today truly is a blue day: In addition to the above, the long-in-the-making sequel Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Episode I is being added to the library of Sonic volumes available on PC digital download!

Finally, joining it will be a brand new Sonic Generations DLC, Casino Night Zone!

Based on the legendary (and legendarily addictive) Casino Night Zone of Sonic 2, this DLC is now available for Sonic Generations on PC digital download. We sincerely hope you enjoy the chance to revisit this colorful and mesmerizing level!

Sonic Generation casino night pinball1