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Sleat Community Trust Business Review 2011
The Board of Directors of SCT (with funding from HIE) recently commissioned Amanda Bryan of Aigas Associates to carry out a review of the Trust's management structure and working practices and procedures. The resultant report highlighted a number points that could improve the way the Trust operates. To view the report click here
A meeting of the directors of the Trust, Sleat Renewables, Sleat Trading and representatives from the various working groups took place in Seomar Cruinneachaidh on Wednesday 21st september 2011 to discuss the issues raised by the report. One of the things that came out of the meeting and that could be addressed immediately was the production of a Mission Statement for the Trust.
This is as follows:
“Sleat Community Trust aspires to improve the quality of life for the residents of the Sleat peninsula through supporting economic development and maintaining the high quality environment.”
The Trust’s activities fall under the following Aims:
1. Addressing the social needs of the community.
2. Supporting sustainable economic development opportunities.
3. Taking care of and managing the special local environment.
4. Ensuring the Trust is financially self-sustaining, well governed, inclusive, transparent and accountable to its members.
NB: The following is not part of the mission statement but should adopted as SCT policy.
The Trust seeks to work closely with other partners in the public, private and voluntary sectors across the area, facilitating and supporting the actions of others and taking a lead where there is a clear role identified.
The Trust Board invites comments and feedback from the members on the report.
Sleat Community Trust is perhaps one of the best models of an integrated, home-grown, development body”
(West Highland Free Press, 18 January 2008)
Sleat Community Trust (SCT) supports sustainable development in the Sleat Peninsula of the Isle of Skye. SCT oversees a whole range of projects, listed here. Some have their own website - just click on the HERE next the name.
Sleat Community Trading Ltd is one of the two subsidiary companies and manages the petrol station, Visitor Information Centre and Garage at Armadale. Its page is here.
Sleat Renewables Ltd is the other subsidiary company and manages :-
* The Tormore Community Forest Project - its site is here
* The Biomass (woodchip) business - some information here
* The Community Turbine project - some information here
SCT also has several other management groups :-
The Visit Sleat Tourism initiative - its site is here
The Environment Group - its page is here
Other projects include :-
* A subsidised Taxi Service - its page is here
* A community rotovator, log-splitter and brush-chipper - here
* Great Sleat Bike Week - some information here
* An Slèiteach Newsletter - its page is here
* An email service for news and events - sign up here
All contents of this website © Sleat Community Trust.
Thank you to all those who believe in us!
Sleat Community Trust is a Company Limited by Guarantee Company 264198
Recognised as a Charity in Scotland SC035316
email: Telephone 01471 844773