
Virtual Volunteering Resources | Serviceleader.org

Virtual volunteering means volunteer tasks completed, in whole or in part, via the Internet and a home or work computer. It's also known as online volunteering, cyber service, online mentoring, teletutoring and various other names. Virtual volunteering allows agencies to expand the benefits of their volunteer programs, by allowing for more volunteers to participate, and by utilizing volunteers in new areas.

Many people actively search for volunteer opportunities they can complete via home or work computers, because of time constraints, personal preference, a disability or a home-based obligation that prevents them from volunteering on-site. Virtual volunteering allows anyone to contribute time and expertise to not-for-profit organizations, schools, government offices and other agencies that utilize volunteer services, from his or her home or office.

The information in this section of ServiceLeader.org will benefit volunteers as well as volunteer managers and service leaders who are interested in utilizing technology to benefit their organizations.

Developing and Implementing a Virtual Volunteering Program

Online Volunteer Resources

Sample Online Assignments

Volunteer Manager Resources

Volunteers with Disabilities