
Brand assets | Ubuntu Brand Guidelines

This section contains all the details of how to use the features that make our brand distinctive.


A vibrant palette ›

Colour makes a brand instantly recognisable. We like to think our colour palette is simple, effective and striking.

The Ubuntu font

A distinctive font ›

The Ubuntu typeface has been specially created to complement the Ubuntu tone of voice.


Our pictograms ›

Our pictograms mirror the circular aspect of both the Circle of Friends and the Canonical logo. They are used to represent a word or an idea.

Dot patterns

The dot patterns ›

We have introduced two different dot patterns to give texture to your work.


Photography ›

Photography is a good way to help us contextualise and humanise content. Our style is free and natural, focused and precise.


Illustration ›

Our charts, diagrams and graphic styling carry the Ubuntu look further, making full use of the dot patterns and colour palette.

We’ve come full circle

We've come full circle

Both of the Ubuntu and Canonical logos feature a roundel element as an integral part of their design. This circular idea has been extended into our pictograms and now into our photography too. This adds an ‘ownable’ feature to our communications and provides a subtle link back to the logo.

Circular inspiration

We feel that there are other ways to introduce circular elements into our communications and we encourage you to expand this idea. This could be type in a circle, dots in a circle, a circle punched out of dots or a circular element within a photograph…