
Saint Isidoro of Leon - Basílica


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San Isidoro

21st, december, 1063 King Fernando I and Sancha consecrate the ancient church; today only exist the north and west walls and the eastern door, ocluded. Doña Urraca, king and queen's daughter, began and promoted the new church, and "enriched the church with several donations"; after her death, in 1101, King Alfonso II and his sister, infant-queen Sancha, resumed the building, commissioned to Pedro Deustambem (who was buried in the temple).

The structure of the church draws a three aisles latin cross plant. The head of the church is shaped by three half circled apses. The elder chapel was begun in 1513. It is covered by a cross-shaped arched roof at the inside; outside, it looks like a tower or a house block. It's ascribed to Juan de Badajoz, sr. The retable was made in XVIst. century. It has 24 pictures, disposed in four spaces consecrated to the Holy Virgin, Christ and the life of St. Thomas.

Interior de San Isidoro

San Pablo

San Pedro

Puerta del Perdón

In the centre of the High Altar, there is a throne in which the Blessed Sacrament is permanently shown (as an immemorial privilege*); into a silver plated small temple, a sun-shaped monstrance and below the coffer shrine of St. Isidoro body, that was an assignment from 1847. (View the history of the Privilege at the bottom of the page).

Urna con los restos de San Isidoro

The columns, doors, windows and other elements are inside and outside decorated with several ornaments: more than 200 capitals or cornices, with vegetable or myth motives, complete the decoration of the temple.

The most important gate is at the side arms of the cross and the one opened in the centre of the south frontage, which is the main porch to the temple. It's called Puerta del Cordero (The Lamb Gate), because of its decoration: the Holy Lamb with two angels is engraved in the tympanum, added to the sacrifice of Isaac, Sara at the door of the shop, Ismael the archer riding across the desert. At left, a figure of St. Isidoro, at right St. Pelayo; after, King David, five musicians and the Zodiacal symbols. Puerta del Perdon (The Forgiveness Gate) is the name of the south cross door, that's consecrated to the pilgrims. A dog and a lion, guardians of the church, support the tympanum in which a biblical scene is developed: the Deposition of Christ, the women in front of the sepulchre and the Ascension. Both sides of the arch, St. Peter and St. Paul.

The church has been into a continuous evolution from the last twenty centuries.


Tímpano de la Puerta del Cordero

Tympanum of the Gate of the Lamb. Click on image to see a larger picture.

Tímpano de la Puerta del Perdón

Tympanum of the
Gate of the Forgiveness
Click on image to see a larger picture.



In 16th century, whoever was the author of "La Pícara Justina", he put in her words this description of the Collegiate church of St. Isidoro, which was called of St. Isidro then: "If I were very devotee, I would have to devote myself to see St. Isidro of Leon, because that one house, in precious relics, is Jerusalem; in indulgences, Rome; in greatness of buildings, a Pantheon; in religion, the anchoret; in choir, a sky; in the divine cult, wealth, brocades, silver and gold, a temple of Salomon".

We know that the Collegiate church was that and much more at that time.


Nevertheless, which always has attracted the Leon people towards its Basilica are not the treasures of its past wealth nor those exceptional qualifications, but the permanent presence of the Sacrament solemnly exposed, by immemorial privilege.

We don't know when the permanent monstrance began, but the XVI st century provides wide information about this fact: Dr Navarro's statutes, a testimony of the elder canon Dr. Siliceo, the chronicler Ambrosio de Morales and the testimony, in 1593, of the Papal Nuncio, Camilo Cayetano, who testifies that at St. Isidoro in Leon "by privilege and pardon, the Blessed sacrament is always present".


The people from Leon considers this monstrance as their principal devotion.

The temple is open day and night and never lacks of prayers.

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