Legends of America - Reproduction/Reprint Policy
- ️Thu Jul 01 2010
Use of Legends of America's articles for reprint or reproduction on websites or print publications is allowed, with specific provisions.
Notification of reprint request is required -- just email us.
Permission will usually be granted, free of charge, for non-profit and educational websites or publications. For profit motivated ventures, we would anticipate standard publication fees, or are sometimes willing to trade advertising space.
Some articles on the website have been submitted by our readers. We cannot grant permission for reprint of these articles at all, but can sometimes provide information so that you can contact the writer directly.
Credit must be given to the author and the website, with active links, if used on a website. The vast majority of articles are written by Kathy Weiser, owner of Legends of America. If an article is written by anyone other than Kathy Weiser, their byline will appear at the top of the page. These cannot be reproduced without permission from the submitter.
Please credit like this: Kathy Weiser, owner/editor, Legends of America, http://www.legendsofamerica.com
Reprint of the entire article on a website must include intact links.
In NO case will it be allowed that another website utilizes any of our pages in an I-Frame.
Use of our custom graphics and logos is never allowed for any purpose.
You agree that Legends of America is not liable for the use of this limited license.
Last, but not least, when information is utilized in a print format, we do request a copy of the magazine, newsletter, etc. Please send to:
28926 Cedar Hill Loop
Warsaw, MO 65355
Photo use is also allowed with proper credits and links for non-profit and educational websites or publications. Please note that many of the photographs that appear on Legends of America are not our own. We cannot give permission for photograph use of images that do not belong to Legends of America.
Under no circumstances, should photographs be accessed by hot-linking. This uses our bandwidth for YOUR purposes and the photo will be changed!
Most photos that appear on Legends of America that are available for prints and downloads are indicated in the caption beneath the photo. However, that is not always the case. Generally, for our vintage photos, they will appear in sepia rather than black and white. For current photographs that we have taken, they will generally indicate Kathy Weiser or Dave Alexander as the photographer.
For commercial use, downloads of large images are available at our Photo Print Shop.
For more information on our restored vintage photos, see HERE.
Prints of our photos can also be obtained at the Photo Print Shop.
Our restored vintage photos, as well as all other photos, are copyrighted by Legends of America and cannot be used without our permission.
If you have questions, just send us an email.
Updated August, 2011.