CHURCH OF THE HOLY SAVIOR | World Monuments Fund
Ani, Turkey
WMF Program:
Field Project, 2002 Watch, 2000 Watch, 1998 Watch, 1996 WatchKeywords:
anatolia, archaeology, ruinSite Types:
Archaeological, Sacred
Located in modern-day eastern Turkey, Surp Amenap’rkitch, or the Church of the Holy Savior, is one of the few structures still standing at Ani from the prosperous Armenian Bagratid period in the tenth and eleventh centuries A.D. (...)
The conservation state of Ani came to international attention in 1996 when the archaeological zone of Ani was placed on WMF’s inaugural Watch list. Ani was on the Watch again in 1998, 2000, and 2002. Field missions to Ani were conducted in 1996 and 1998, leading to documentation and analytic work in subsequent years. (...)
The Church of the Holy Savior is a premier example of Armenian medieval architecture and a central monument of the Ani archaeological zone. The conservation measures will ensure the structure can withstand future seismic activity in the region and that the remaining decorative elements on the interior and exterior will be preserved. (...)