
Fish and Wildlife Service

  • ️U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service


The trail system at Bon Secour NWR offers a variety of viewing opportunities for visitors.

From short 1 mile hikes to 4+ mile expansions, the trails are all unique and give an opportunity to discover different habitats of the refuge: dunes, swales, wetlands, maritime forests and scrub habitats.

All of the established trails are on the Perdue Unit. There are no pets allowed on the refuge, please leave your pets at home to protect the many wildlife species that make the refuge their home.

Refuge beaches and trails are open 7 days a week during daylight hours only.

Trail Map

About the Trails

Jeff Friend Trail – WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE. Explore the maritime forest and adjacent Little Lagoon. Many species of plants and birds can often be seen along this trail. Meet at Jeff Friend Trailhead.
Rating: Easy to moderate. Time: 1 ½ hours. Distance: 1 mile.

Centennial Trail – Explore the transition from maritime forest to dune swales to a swamp discovering different species of plants and wildlife. Meet at Jeff Friend Trailhead.
Rating: Moderate (ground may be wet in some areas). Time: 2 hours. Distance: 2 miles

Gator Lake Trail – Walk along a dune ridge and see many species of birds and plants that are typical of this transitional habitat between the maritime forest and the frontal dunes. Meet at the Gator Lake Trailhead.
Rating: Moderate (sandy terrain). Time: 2 hours. Distance: 1 mile.

Pine Beach Trail – Explore the plants and wildlife of an intact dune ecosystem that includes maritime forest, scrub and dune habitats. This trail is unique with a saltwater lagoon on one side and a freshwater lake on the other. Many seaside plants are found here and the impact of recent hurricanes will be discussed. Meet at the Pine Beach Trailhead.
Rating: moderate to strenuous (some sandy terrain). Time: 2 hours. Distance: 2 miles.

Dynamic Dunes Beach Tour – Walk along the shore and discover why these dunes are so important. Meet at the Mobile Street access parking lot.
Rating: moderate (sandy terrain). Time: 1 ½ hours. Distance: 1 mile.