
All-Time Raw Powerlifting Records Released | Powerlifting Watch

  • ️Sat Jul 13 2097

Submitted by Staff on May 15, 2009 - 7:21am.

(updated 5/22)

After months of research, Johnny Vasquez has compiled and released the only set of American All-Time Raw Records ever compiled for the sport of powerlifting. (Note: Michael Soong also tracks the all-time single lift raw bench press records.)

Vasquez's work resulted from research with Bob Gaynor, Bob Packer, Larry Pacifico, Vince Anello, Rickey Crain, Michael Soong's Statistics, Herb Glossbrenner's Statistics, Rick Gaugler, Pete Alaniz, American Powerlifting Evolution's John Sanchez, John Smoker, and many others.

The American All-Time Raw Records will be published in the Powerlifting Records section here at Powerlifting Watch.

The All-Time Squat and Total Records are broken out by the use of knee wraps. The Bench Press Records are broken out by single lift and full power.

Knee Wraps
123551**Mike Booker2002 AAU
132551**Mike Booker2002AAU
148575Rick Crain 1977AAU*
165644George Crawford1974AAU*
181710Jack Barnes1972AAU*
198735Jack Barnes1972AAU*
220777Sam Byrd 2006 APF
242853George Frenn1971 AAU*
275865Jon Cole1972AAU*
308901Jon Cole1972AAU*
SHW953Mark Henry1995ADFPA
No Knee Wraps
123 551 Mike Booker 2002 AAU
132 551 Mike Booker 2002 AAU
148 550 Mike Kuhns 2006 ADAU
165 600 George Crawford 1973 AAU*
181 650 Bob Mckee 1973 AAU*
198 688 Tony Fratto 1974 AAU*
220 705 Sam Byrd 2005 NERB
242 826 Kirk Karwoski 2005 AAU
275 850 Greg Lowe 2001 ADAU
308 826 Scot Weech 2008 100%
SHW 934 Don Reinhoudt 1975 AAU*
Full Power
123 380 Mike Booker 2005 AAU
132 397 Joe Bradley 1980 USPF
148 424 Joe Bradley 1982 USPF
165 485 Rick Weil 1984 USPF
181 556 Rick Weil 1986 APF
198 565 Larry Danaher 1986 USPF
220 582 Mike McDonald 1979 AAU*
242 603 Mike McDonald 1977 AAU*
275 614 Tom Hardman 1982 USPF
308 666 Ted Arcidi 1984 USPF
SHW 710 James Henderson1997 USPF
Single Lift
123 392 Mike Booker 2004 AAU
132 410 Rick Couch 1993 APA
148 435 Alex Pocu 1990 APA
165 485*** Rick Weil 1984 USPF
181 556*** Rick Weil 1986 APF
198 565*** Larry Danaher 1986 USPF
220 582*** Mike McDonald 1979 AAU*
242 615 Jeremy Hoornstra 2006 WPO
275 650 Ted Arcidi 1983 NSM
308 701 Scot Mendelson 2002 APF
SHW 715 Scot Mendelson 2005 Atlantis
123 617 Lamar Gant 1979 AAU*
132 628 Lamar Gant 1981 USPF
148 666 Dan Austin 1987 USPF
165 714 Rick Gaugler 1981 USPF
181 791 Ed Coan 1984 USPF
198 859 Ed Coan 1985 USPF
220 901 Ed Coan 1998 USPF
242 887Ed Coan 1980 USPF
275 856 John Kuc 1985 ADFPA
308 825 Don Cundy 1970 AAU*
SHW 903 Mark Henry 1995 ADFPA
Knee Wraps
123 1344 Lamar Gant 1978 AAU*
132 1410 Lamar Gant 1978 AAU*
148 1580 Tony Conyers 1999 WNPF
165 1714 Rick Gaugler 1978 AAU*
181 1745 Jack Barnes 1972 AAU*
198 1935 Larry Pacifico 1976 AAU*
220 2061 Larry Pacifico 1977 AAU*
242 2204 John Kuc 1980 AAU*
275 2250 Jon Cole 1972 AAU*
308 2363 Jon Cole 1972 AAU*
SHW 2391 Don Reinhoudt 1975 AAU*
No Knee Wraps
123 1278 Mike Booker 2002 AAU
132 1275 Franklin Riley 1972 AAU*
148 1430 Don Blue 1973 AAU*
165 1532 Tony Conyers 2009 RUPC
181 1700 Bob Mckee 1973 AAU*
198 1807 Ryan Celli 2009 RUPC
220 1910 Larry Pacifico 1973 AAU*
242 2080 Larry Pacifico 1973 AAU*
275 2130 Greg Lowe 2001 ADAU
308 2160 Hugh Cassidy 1971 AAU*
SHW 2298 Don Reinhoudt 1974 AAU*

* Prior to USPF
** Done w/o wraps but higher than lift with wraps
*** Done in Full powerliftng meet but higher than single lift
RUPC This is not a federation but rather a contest designed to unite lifters from all federations

Records in spreadsheet (xls) form.