OpenEXR is a high dynamic-range (HDR) image file format developed by Industrial Light & Magic for use in computer imaging applications.
OpenEXR is used by ILM on all motion pictures currently in production. The first movies to employ OpenEXR were Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone, Men in Black II, Gangs of New York, and Signs. Since then, OpenEXR has become ILM's main image file format.
OpenEXR's features include:
- Higher dynamic range and color precision than existing 8- and 10-bit image file formats.
- Support for 16-bit floating-point, 32-bit floating-point, and 32-bit integer pixels. The 16-bit floating-point format,
called "half", is compatible with the
data type in NVIDIA's Cg graphics language and is supported natively on their new GeForce FX and Quadro FX 3D graphics solutions. - Multiple lossless image compression algorithms. Some of the included codecs can achieve 2:1 lossless compression ratios on images with film grain.
- Extensibility. New compression codecs and image types can easily be added by extending the C++ classes included in the OpenEXR software distribution. New image attributes (strings, vectors, integers, etc.) can be added to OpenEXR image headers without affecting backward compatibility with existing OpenEXR applications.
ILM has released OpenEXR as free software. The OpenEXR software distribution includes:
- IlmImf, a library that reads and writes OpenEXR images.
- Half, a C++ class for manipulating half values as if they were a built-in C++ data type.
- Imath, a math library with support for matrices, 2d- and 3d-transformations, solvers for linear/quadratic/cubic equations, and more.
- exrdisplay, a sample application for viewing OpenEXR images on a display at various exposure settings.
The OpenEXR software distribution is now licensed under the modified BSD license, available here.
July 31st, 2012 - OpenEXR v1.7.1 has been released and is available for download. This release includes the following components:
- OpenEXR: v1.7.1
- IlmBase: v1.0.3
- PyIlmBase: v1.0.0 (introduces a Boost dependency)
- OpenEXR_Viewers: v1.0.2
Of particular note is the introduction of PyIlmBase. This module forms a comprehensive set of python bindings to the IlmBase module.
In addition, contained in this release is a number of additions to Imath as well as a minor tweak to Imath::Frustrum (for better support for Windows platforms) as well as other minor fixes, including correction for soname version of IlmImf.
June 18, 2012 - We're pleased to announce the first public Beta release of OpenEXR v2.
Development of OpenEXR v2 has been undertaken in a collaborative environment (cf. previous github announcement) comprised of Industrial Light & Magic, Weta Digital as well as a number of other contributors.
Some of the new features included in the Beta.1 release of OpenEXR v2 are:
* Deep Data. Pixels can now store a variable length list of samples. The main rationale behind deep-images is to have multiple values at different depths for each pixel. OpenEXR v2 supports both hard surface and volumetric representation requirements for deep compositing workflows.
* Multi-part image files. With OpenEXR v2, files can now contain a number of separate, but related, images in one file. Access to any part is independent of the others; in particular, no access of data need take place for unrequested parts.
In addition, OpenEXR v2 also contains platform independent mechanisms for handling co-existing library version conflicts in the same process space. (Currently implemented in IlmImf)
Finally, a reminder that this is a Beta release and potentially incompatible changes may be introduced in future releases prior to the v2.0.0 production version.
OpenEXR v2Beta.1 can be found at:
June 18, 2012 - We're pleased to announce that the OpenEXR source code is moving to You can browse, download and branch the code at
We're looking forward to taking advantage of the collaborative features presented by git and and of course community contributions. Please see the developer Wiki pages for more information regarding participation.
July 23, 2010 - New feature version of OpenEXR is now available. This release includes support for stereoscopic images, please see the adjoining documentation in the MultiViewOpenEXR.pdf. (Many thanks to Weta Digital for their contribution.) In addition, we added support for targeting 64 bit Windows, fixes for buffer overruns and a number of other minor fixes, additions and optimisations. Please see the Changelog files for more detailed information.
OpenEXR 1.7.0, OpenEXR_Viewers 1.0.2, IlmBase 1.0.2 and OpenEXR-Images-1.7.0 can be downloaded from the downloads section of
October 22, 2007 - New versions of OpenEXR and CTL are now available. This release fixes a buffer overrun in OpenEXR and a Windows build problem in CTL, and it removes a few unnecessary files from the .tar.gz packages.
OpenEXR 1.6.1, OpenEXR_Viewers 1.0.1 and IlmBase 1.0.1 can be downloaded from the downloads section of CTL 1.4.1 and OpenEXR_CTL 1.0.1 can be downloaded from
August 3, 2007 - New stable versions of OpenEXR and CTL are now available. The source code has been tested on Linux, Mac OS X and Windows (Visual Studio 7 and 8).
Here's a summary of what has changed since the last release:
OpenEXR 1.6.0
- Reduced generational loss in B44- and B44A-compressed images.
- Added B44A compression. This is a variation of B44, but with a better compression ratio for images with large uniform areas, such as in an alpha channel.
- Bug fixes.
CTL 1.4.0
- Added new functions to the CTL standard library: 3x3 matrix support, 1D lookup tables with cubic interpolation.
- Added new "ctlversion" statement to the language.
- Bug fixes.
OpenEXR_CTL 1.0.0
- Applying CTL transforms to a frame buffer is multi-threaded.
- Bug fixes.
OpenEXR_Viewers 1.0.0
- Implemented new naming conventions for CTL parameters.
IlmBase 1.0.0
- Half now implements "round to nearest even" mode.
OpenEXR 1.6.0, OpenEXR_Viewers 1.0.0 and IlmBase 1.0.0 can be downloaded from the downloads section of CTL 1.4.0 and OpenEXR_CTL 1.0.0 can be downloaded from
January 22, 2007 - CTL has been released.
The Color Transformation Language, or CTL, is a programming language for digital color management. Color management requires translating images between different representations or color spaces. CTL allows users to describe color transforms in a concise and unambiguous way by expressing them as programs. In order to apply a given transform to an image, a color management system instructs a CTL interpreter to load and run the CTL program that describes the transform.
The image viewers included in the OpenEXR software distribution, exrdisplay and playexr, both support color rendering via CTL. For more information see
Sorce code and documentation for the CTL interpreter can be downloaded from Please note the license under which CTL is distributed; it is similar but not identical to the OpenEXR license.
January 4, 2007 - OpenEXR wins an Academy Award for Technical Achievement.
The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences today announced the 15 winners of Scientific and Technical Academy Awards. A Technical Achievement Award goes to Florian Kainz for the design and engineering of OpenEXR, a software package implementing 16-bit, floating-point, high dynamic range image files. Widely adopted, OpenEXR is engineered to meet the requirements of the visual effects industry by providing for lossless and lossy compression of tiered and tiled images.
Congratulations to all for making OpenEXR such a success!!!
Click here for the official Press Release
December 15, 2006 - A new development version of OpenEXR is now available. We have tested the code in this version internally at ILM, but we would like to get feedback from others before we release a production version.
The new version includes several significant changes:
- OpenEXR supports a new image compression method, called B44. It has a fixed compression rate of 2.28:1, or 4.57:1 if used in combination with luminance/chroma encoding. B44-compressed images can be uncompressed fast enough to support real-time playback of image sequences.
- The new playexr program plays back moving image sequences. Playexr is multi-threaded and utilizes the threading capabilities of the IlmImf library that were introduced in OpenEXR 1.3.0. The program plays back B44-compressed images with fairly high-resolution in real time on commodity hardware.
- The playexr program and a new version of the existing exrdisplay image viewer both support color rendering via color transforms written in the new Color Transformation Language or CTL. CTL is not part of OpenEXR; it will be released separately. CTL support in playexr and exrdisplay is optional; the programs can be built and will run without CTL.
- In preparation for the release of CTL, OpenEXR has been split into
three separate packages:
- IlmBase 0.9.0 includes the Half, Iex, Imath and IlmThread libraries
- OpenEXR 1.5.0 includes the IlmImf library, programming examples and utility programs such as exrheader or exrenvmap
- OpenEXRViewers 0.9.0 includes the playexr and exrdisplay programs
- The "Technical Introduction to OpenEXR" document now includes a recommendation for storing CIE XYZ pixel data in OpenEXR files.
- A new "OpenEXR Image Viewing Software" document describes the playexr and exrdisplay programs. It briefly explains real-time playback and color rendering, and includes recommendations for testing if other image viewing software displays OpenEXR images correctly.
- The OpenEXR sample image set now includes B44-compressed files and files with CIE XYZ pixel data.
August 8, 2006 - We have released an updated set of sample OpenEXR images. This release includes several new images that are useful for testing OpenEXR applications. The images are organized by subdirectory according to their image type or purpose. Several of these subdirectories contain README files that explain the contents of the images in those subdirectories.
August 2, 2006 - OpenEXR 1.4.0 is now available. This is the next major production-ready release of OpenEXR and offers full compatibility with our last production release, which was 1.2.2. This version obsoletes versions 1.3.x, which were test versions for 1.4.0. If you have been using 1.3.x, please upgrade to 1.4.0.
June 8, 2006 - OpenEXR 1.3.0 is now available. This is a test release. The major new feature in this version is support for multithreaded file I/O. We've been testing the threaded code internally at ILM for a few months, and we have not encountered any bugs, but we'd like to get some feedback from others before we release the production version.
Here's a summary of the changes since version 1.2.2:
- Support for multithreaded file reading and writing.
- Support for Intel-based OS X systems.
- Support for Visual Studio 2005.
- Better handling of PLATFORM_* and HAVE_* macros.
- Updated documentation.
- Bug fixes related to handling of incomplete and damaged files.
- Numerous bug fixes and cleanups to the autoconf-based build system.
- Removed support for the following configurations that
were previously supported. Some of these configurations
may happen to continue to function, but we can't help
you if they don't, largely because we don't have any
way to test them:
- OSF1
- SunOS
- OS X versions prior to 10.3.
- gcc on any platform prior to version 3.3
March 15, 2005 - We're pleased to announce the release of OpenEXR 1.2.2. This is a relatively minor update to the project, with the following changes:
- New build system for Windows; support for DLLs.
- Switched documentation from HTML to PDF format.
- IlmImf: support for image layers in ChannelList.
- IlmImf: added isComplete() method to file classes to check whether a file is complete.
- IlmImf: exposed staticInitialize() in ImfHeader.h in order to allow thread-safe library initialization in multithreaded applications.
- IlmImf: New "time code" standard attribute.
- exrdisplay: support for displaying wrap-around texture map images.
- exrmaketiled: can now specify wrap mode.
- IlmImf: New "wrapmodes" standard attribute to indicate extrapolation mode for mipmaps and ripmaps.
- IlmImf: New "key code" standard attribute to identify motion picture film frames.
- Imath: Removed TMatrix<T> classes; these classes are still under development and are too difficult to keep in sync with OpenEXR CVS.
August 10, 2004 - ILM's OpenEXR color management proposal, presented at the Siggraph 2004 "OpenEXR, Film and Color" Birds of a Feather meeting, is now available online. See the documentation section.
June 6, 2004 - OpenEXR 1.2.1 is now available. This is a fairly minor release, mostly just a few tweaks, a few bug fixes, and some new documentation. Here are the most important changes:
- reduced memory footprint of exrenvmap and exrmaketiled utilities.
- IlmImf: new helper functions to determine whether a file is an OpenEXR file, and whether it's scanline- or tile-based.
- IlmImf: bug fix for PXR24 compression with ySampling != 1.
- Better support for gcc 3.4.
- Warning cleanups in Visual C++.
May 11, 2004 - OpenEXR 1.2.0 is now available. This is the first official, production-ready release since OpenEXR 1.0.7. If you have been using the development 1.1 series, please switch to 1.2.0 as soon as possible. We believe that OpenEXR 1.2.0 is ready for use in shipping applications. We have been using it in production at ILM for several months now with no problems. There are quite a few major new features in the 1.2 series as compared to the original 1.0 series:
- Support for tiled images, including mipmaps and ripmaps. Note that software based on the 1.0 series cannot read or write tiled images. However, simply by recompiling your software against the 1.2 release, any code that reads scanline images can read tiled images, too.
- A new Pxr24 compressor, contributed by Pixar Animation Studios. Values produced by the Pxr24 compressor provide the same range as 32-bit floating-point numbers with slightly less precision, and compress quite a bit better. The Pxr24 compressor stores UINT and HALF channels losslessly, and for these data types performs similarly to the ZIP compressor.
- OpenEXR now supports high dynamic-range YCA (luminance/chroma/alpha) images with subsampled chroma channels. These files are supported via the RGBA convenience interface, so that data is presented to the application as RGB(A) but stored in the file as YC(A). OpenEXR also supports Y and YA (black-and-white/black-and-white with alpha) images.
- An abstracted file I/O interface, so that you can use OpenEXR with interfaces other than C++'s iostreams.
- Several new utilities for manipulating tiled image files.
Mar 27, 2004 - OpenEXR 1.1.1 is now available. This another development release. We expect to release a stable version, 1.2, around the end of April. Version 1.1.1 includes support for PXR24 compression, and for high-dynamic-range luminance/chroma images with subsampled chroma channels. Version 1.1.1 also fixes a bug in the 1.1.0 tiled file format.
Mar 27, 2004 - We are pleased to announce that Pixar Animation Studios has contributed code to OpenEXR for a new lossy compression method, which compresses 32-bit floating-point data quite a bit better than OpenEXR's other compressors. This new compressor is called PXR24 and is available as of the 1.1.1 development release of OpenEXR. It will also be included in the upcoming 1.2 stable release. Thanks to Loren Carpenter and Dana Batali of Pixar, for making this happen!
Feb 6, 2004 - OpenEXR 1.1.0 is now available. This is a major new release with support for tiled images, multi-resolution files (mip/ripmaps), environment maps, and abstracted file I/O. We've also released a new set of images that demonstrate these features, and updated the CodeWarrior project and Photoshop plugins for this release. See the downloads section for the source code and the new images.
Jan 8, 2004 - Industrial Light & Magic has released the source code for an OpenEXR Shake plugin. The plugin is supported on Shake 3.0 on the GNU/Linux and MacOS X platforms. See the downloads section.
Jan 7, 2004 - OpenEXR 1.0.7 is now available. In addition to some bug fixes, this version adds support for some new standard attributes, such as primary and white point chromaticities, lens aperture, film speed, image acquisition time and place, and more. If you want to use these new attributes in your applications, see the ImfStandardAttributes.h header file for documentation.
Our project hosting site, Savannah, is still recovering from a compromise last month, so in the meantime, we're hosting file downloads here. Some of the files are not currently available, but we're working to restore them.
April 3, 2003 - OpenEXR release 1.0.5 is now available. It includes support for Windows and improved support for OS X. It also includes support for hardware rendering of OpenEXR images on NVIDIA GeForce FX and Quadro FX video cards. See the downloads section for source code and prebuilt packages for Windows, OS X 10.2, and RedHat.
April 3, 2003 - Industrial Light & Magic has released the source code for an OpenEXR display driver for Pixar's Renderman. This display driver is covered under the OpenEXR free software license. See the downloads section for the source code.
January 22, 2003 - OpenEXR Press Release click here
January 22, 2003 - web site is officially launched.
Supported Platforms
OpenEXR has been ported to GNU/Linux, OS X 10.2, Win32, and IRIX. It should be fairly easy to port to other UNIX-like operating systems.
© OpenEXR, Industrial Light & Magic and ILM are trademarks and service marks of Lucasfilm Ltd.; all associated intellectual property is protected by the laws of the United States and other countries. All rights reserved.