Apollo 15 Flight Journal - LM Activation Checklist - Index Page

LM Activation Checklist - Index
- Frontispiece
- Notices
- i List of effective pages
- ii List of effective pages (continued)
- iii Contents
- iv Contents (continued)
- CSM to LM Transfer List (TLC)
- CSM to LM Transfer List (TLC) (continued)
- 1-01 IVT to LM
- 1-02 Entry Status Check
- 1-03 CB Diagram - Initial Activation Status
- 1-04 CB Diagram - Initial Activation Status (continued)
- 1-05 Steps 3 to 6
- 1-06 Steps 8 and 9
- 1-07 Steps 10 and 11
- 1-08 Steps 12 and 13
- 1-09 Steps 14 and 15
- 1-10 Steps 16 to 18
- 1-11 Housekeeping
- 1-12 Step 7
- 1-13 Comm Activation
- 1-14 Steps 4 to 6
- 1-15 S-band/VHF Simplex Voice Test
- 1-16 Steps 4 to 10
- 1-17 OPS Checkout
- 1-18 Comm Deactivation
- 1-19 IVT to CSM
- CSM to LM Transfer List (PDI)
- 2-01 97:50 - LMP IVT to LM
- 2-02 98:07 - CDR IVT to LM - EPS Activation
- 2-03 98:15 - Caution/Warning Checkout
- 2-06 98:17 - ECS Activation & Checkout
- 2-07 98:19 - CDR & LMP Connect to LM ECS
- 2-08 CB Diagram - Initial Activation Status
- 2-09 CB Diagram - Initial Activation Status (continued)
- 2-10 98:22 - Activate RCS Heaters - TB Verification
- 2-11 98:24 - PGNS Turn-On & Self Test - VHF B Checkout
- 2-12 PGNS Turn-On & Self Test (continued)
- 2-13 98:30 - LGC/CMC Clock Sync/Tephem Update - S-Band Checks
- 2-14 98:38 - Set DAP - S-Band Steerable Antenna Activation
- 2-15 98:40 - MSFN Uplink - Gear Deploy - Suit Fan H2O Sep. Check
- 2-16 98:47 - Glycol Pump Check
- 2-17 98:50 - Docked IMU Coarse Align - Ascent/Lunar Battery Checkout
- 2-18 Docked IMU Coarse Align - Ascent/Lunar Battery Checkout (continued)
- 2-19 98:59 - P52 Align
- 2-20 99:09 - RCS Pressurisation
- 2-21 RCS Pressurisation (continued)
- 2-22 99:14 - RCS Checkout
- 2-23 RCS Checkout (continued)
- 2-24 RCS Checkout (continued)
- 2-25 99:23 - Rendezvous Radar Self Test - Drogue and Probe Installation
- 2-26 Rendezvous Radar Self Test (continued)
- 2-27 Rendezvous Radar Self Test (continued)
- 2-28 Rendezvous Radar Self Test (continued)
- 2-29 Blank Page
- 2-30 Go/No Go For Undocking
- 2-33 99:55 - Rate Gyro Check
- 2-34 100:00 - Prep for Undocking
- 2-35 Prep for Undocking (continued)
- 2-36 CB Diagram - Undocking
- 2-37 CB Diagram - Undocking (continued)